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Everything posted by iskay

  1. Those are zoanthid eating nudibranches. Dip your coral to remove. If that coral had been in your tank, they probably had spread now. If so, keeping your tank coral free to starve them off.
  2. These are zoanthids. Soft corals. Part of the reef.
  3. How tiny exactly is your micro tank?
  4. This is a juvenile specimen. Males have yellowish orange fin edge and face.
  5. livestock husbandry is an acquired skill honed through experience and learning. Start with easier species then gradually move to more difficult ones as you acquire better husbandry skills. Save livestock, save money.
  6. Can happen if you have males releasing sperm at the same time. But like you said, chances are very slim due to many factors.
  7. Your snail is trying to reproduce. It's a female releasing eggs into the water column.
  8. Marine life has more than a handful to choose from at current.
  9. The bristle worm is doing exactly what it should be doing - scavenging carcasses that otherwise will rot and dirty the water. Bobbit / Eunice worms however, are ambush hunters and can and will capture live fish. It's these types that aquarists should be worried about. http://youtu.be/O9G5mVdZDL0
  10. Search for Aptasia in this forum. Google is your best friend also. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Glass Anemone Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. too blurry to id Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. they are the nem's guts. As to why your nem is spiking it's guts, I dunno. Might have been injured. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Looks like a tear on the foot. Curly stringy stuffs could be the mesenterial filaments. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. They are easily frightened. Pack and cover to darken the environment during transport. Properly acclimatise an release with lights off. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. You can learn from Henry of ML. He kept octopi and cuttlefishes well in his tank. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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