i am oredi dead.
3 earthquakes of magnitude 6 on the Ritcher Scale and at least 10 minor tremors and aftershocks within 1.5 hours.
luckily i din choose to go tokyo today, else will be stuck in the city till the JR Rail line get back to working order.
this is a very good buy. tank and many other equipment r less than 6 mths old and r from a good reefer friend of mine.
Good luck to ur sales bro kevin. this tank has been with u like less than 6 mths? hope to c u back in the hobby when u hv less demanding commitments to meet, couldn't even find time to post this thread urself. all the best bro.
the electric blue was the piece i was referring to. thx.
no worries, IMO, still one of the best nano sps tanks, if not; the best.
so what will be the dimensions of ur new setup?
the turqoise blue acro (a little off to the left, in btw the green monti and ur bird nest) really caught my attention. very nice. can show a macro shot pls?
the best nano sps tank i hv ever seen.
very nice tank!!!
IMHO, a relative change in water chemistry will somehow affect most skimmers' efficiency for a short period of time. observe this during feeding, dipping of hands into tank, etc. however, when u dose kH buffer (when need be), u will observe a reverse effect.
based on my own limited experience.
this is a Ti heat exchanger which is only 1 of the many impt components to a chilling unit. u will still need a compressor, condenser, condenser fan, TXV, RD, thermostat controller, etc. to complete the whole system.
disadvantage of hydrometer:
mini bubbles get caught beneath the swing arm
no ATC (temperature compensation)
no calibration functionability
all of the above give cause to inaccurate readings.
if u r really that concern abt the salinity in ur tank, shld go for a refractometer with ATC.