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Everything posted by lightningstrike

  1. 1. Roidan 120snails at $100 2. Roidan 2 large packets of sea lettuce at $20 3. Nic a Jon 24 snails 4. Bwilly 24 snails 5 hoppinghippos 12 snails 6. planetG 12 snails 7. strat 12 snails 8. Weileong 60 snails at $50 9. Weileong 1 large packets of sea lettuce at $10 10. derricklaj 12 snails 11 ah^siao 24 snails @ $20 12 ah^siao 1 large packet of sea lettuce at $10 13. RockyBoy 12 snails @$10 packet of sea lettuce @$10 14. JL27AY 12 snails 15. hecter 12 snails and 1 large pack of seaweeks. 16. chrislwp 12 snails and 1 large pack of sealettuce. Total $20 17. JC85 12 snails 18. nutx 24 snails 19. [d]3v|L 24 snails at $20 20. hamannbmw 12 snails 21. mellow 12 snails 22. GT 60 snails 23. Dazza 12 snails 24. lightningstirke 24 snail
  2. bio-home which supposingly r made from sinistered glass, what different r they from coral chips or ceramic rings. does bio home eventually becomes a nitrate factory in a cannister? sorry if i post in the wrong forum.
  3. so sorry AT. Pls accept my humble apologies.
  4. so this means u gotta exercise caution when using this product.......
  5. aiiii...... both ur replies r off topic. btw, i clean my cannister filter and do a 10% change fortnightly. and yes, i do get some microbubble coming out of the cannister rain bar, but i control the flowrate of the cannister to the extent that i minimise the microbubbles.
  6. hi, currently am using ehiem 2026 and a built in filter for filtration. for the ehiem 2026, i m using the standard ehiem substrate, ceramic ring, blue filter floss and white filter floss. in addition, i hv oso put in seachem phosguard, seachem denitrator, polyfilter and chemi pure into the cannister. can anyone give a better suggestion as to what to use as filter media in the cannister???? as my tank is still blooming wif algae now and then and nitrate level is still high. thks.....
  7. since at says it works, i shall get it them then.
  8. it's the same as using kalk solution. high alkalinity mah!!!
  9. as for marine palace, lck lane 9A, IMO, the things there r rather expensive to me...... they r operating in such an ulu place but yet the price they charge r way more ex them some in the neighbourhood lfs....... wonder why????
  10. something to add on lck 201. i've been there twice and not once i was able to take a look inside....... they always tell u close........ something for sure, i m not going there anymore...... one less customer for them..... that's my 2 cents worth!!!!
  11. heehee...... i've got 1, from lor halus a mth back.....
  12. IMO, ich will come and go....... but once ur fish recovers from ich time and time again, sooner or later, it will be immune to it....... that's what happened to my YT. while the rest of the fishes kanna ich, my YT is still ich-free.
  13. recently hv tried using waterlife octozin....... it works to a certain extent....... maybe u should try it........ a bottle cost $11 from petmart. 1 bottle contains 21 tablets. put 7 tablets per day into ur tank for 3 days and switch off ur skimmer. read up the instructions to gain a better understanding.....
  14. 2 late!!! thought they hv died, threw them away oredi!!!!
  15. hi, care to give reviews on the above mentioned???
  16. i've heard of good reviews on a product call AZPO4. maybe u wanna find out more b4 buying.....
  17. do a search on aiptasia in the forum. i m sure u can find more info....... that is what this forum is for, isnt it???
  18. juz use a syringe and place it close enuf to the aiptasia and inject so that u would not harm other corals. presto!!! dead in 3 secs.
  19. use test kits to check. dose kalk by controlling flowrate by dripping.
  20. do a search on lightings requirement in the forum. reckon u will gather more info..... if i m not wrong, the thread should be by AT.
  21. cleaner shrimps dun eat gobies and dartfishes, vice versa......
  22. hi all, thks for all the replies. anyway, i've bought a FA 2 days ago from pasir ris farm at $30. decided to take the risk..... as i love the beauty of FA 2 much.
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