Sea Li$e: lots of soft corals, butterflies, great variety of clowns. last seen 23/12.
Bio-Ocean: anthias, clowns, sun corals, lots of damsels, cardinals, branched octopus, some croceas. last seen 22/12.
reb**n: lots of LS!!! esp, damsels, clowns, anthias, PT, PBT, Fire gobies, lions, CBS, croceas finishing up!!! as for corals, a lot of yumas and anemones. last seen 28/12.
LCK110: lots of derasa, culture maximas, a lot of LPS. YT, flame angel, etc. last seen 24/12.
LCK 201: not open. last seen 24/12
CF: lots of zoos, softies. true percular clown pair, gold/black damsel, longnose black tang, lots of damselfish. last seen 24/12
marin* P@lace: lots of liverocks, last seen 24/12
harleq@*n M@#ine: virtually no LS, lots of sun corals, blue mushies, torch, xenia, button, brain. last seen 22/12
ANG LE@ Aquarium, amk ave 4, blk114: sun coral, mushies, PT, damsels, blue velvet devilfish, LR, last seen 28/12
par@d!z ree%: virtually no LS, lots of croceas, fox, frogspawn, last seen "cannot remember".