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Everything posted by lightningstrike

  1. think so.... give them a ring. contact numbers can be found in the forum. juz do a search on lfs.
  2. Sea Li$e: lots of soft corals, butterflies, great variety of clowns. last seen 23/12. Bio-Ocean: anthias, clowns, sun corals, lots of damsels, cardinals, branched octopus, some croceas. last seen 22/12. reb**n: lots of LS!!! esp, damsels, clowns, anthias, PT, PBT, Fire gobies, lions, CBS, croceas finishing up!!! as for corals, a lot of yumas and anemones. last seen 28/12. LCK110: lots of derasa, culture maximas, a lot of LPS. YT, flame angel, etc. last seen 24/12. LCK 201: not open. last seen 24/12 CF: lots of zoos, softies. true percular clown pair, gold/black damsel, longnose black tang, lots of damselfish. last seen 24/12 marin* P@lace: lots of liverocks, last seen 24/12 harleq@*n M@#ine: virtually no LS, lots of sun corals, blue mushies, torch, xenia, button, brain. last seen 22/12 ANG LE@ Aquarium, amk ave 4, blk114: sun coral, mushies, PT, damsels, blue velvet devilfish, LR, last seen 28/12 par@d!z ree%: virtually no LS, lots of croceas, fox, frogspawn, last seen "cannot remember".
  3. bought my purple firefish from amk ave 4, only 5 bucks.
  4. if i remember correctly, it should be the third last farm on seletar farmway 1.
  5. tried both the myzaxin and the octozin. havent been able to get the paragon. IMO, octozin works better than myzaxin. yes they r definitely reef safe. but i think for serious ich problem, then u gotta use cuprazin. but cuprazin is nono for a reef tank. use in quarantine tank onli.
  6. supplements..... hmm....... use trace elements, strotium, iodide, magnesium,
  7. the pincer will grow back, but advise u not to keep the same species together.
  8. can oso reserve 2 pcs for me ???? pls!!!
  9. think u can cure it wif waterlife octozin. it's written on the label.
  10. my cleaner shrimps dun do anything to my corals.......
  11. may be can try spirula algae food? or dry seaweed?
  12. diy kalk dripper. do a search.... u will be able to find a thread on that.
  13. i find no much difference in the 2 methods.
  14. be reminded that myzaxin is in liquid form and octozin is in tablet form.
  15. kalk, strotium, magnesium, iodide, trace elements.
  16. ??? I m sure u hv phrased ur question wrong. LRs into cannister???
  17. IMO, unknown 3 is definitely a sponge. the best way to get rid of aiptasia is to use a syringe, fill it up wif residue liquid from ur kalk, pump it directly onto the aiptasia. but do take note not to harm other corals while doing this.
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