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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by lightningstrike

  1. the residue "juice" from the mysis shrimps is a deadly concoction of nutrients.
  2. sad to hear that bro........ i'll be happy to buy some of ur wonderful colonies. contact me soon. good luck.
  3. envy those folks (namely RAV-65) that get to go to all those exotic locations......... for me, it's only iran, iran & more iran.......
  4. call petmart to enquire. 62896471.
  5. saw some X'mas tree worms @ AA yesterday.
  6. i can't make head or tail of it, but anyway, looking great!
  7. I'm not sure abt other brands, but i'll definitely stand by Pacific Coo.
  8. IMHO, forget abt cooling fans if u r seriously into reefing. 1. high evaporation rate 2. reliability issues 3. cooling fan cannot achieve the desired cooling temp than that of a sizeable chiller in the event of a high ambient temperature. 4. Pull down time to desired temp for cooling fan is much slower when compared to a chiller.
  9. IMHO, best bet will be a AquaC remora.
  10. looking for me i am flying off to Iran within the next hour.
  11. if it's going to be a pressure rated pump, e.g. iwaki, decibel level is definitely gonna go up.
  12. there she/he goes....... losing her/his sexuality again........
  13. i once heard of a moderator who has a zebrasoma sp (can't remember whether it is PT or YT) which eats even bryposis.
  14. mini mod done by myself for the ozone to be directly introduced into my beckett. air valve is to control fresh air intake (tuned to 1/2 opened to compensate pressure loss), the other end of the Y-adaptor is hooked onto the ozoniser. only drawback is that i am uncertain as to in how ozone-safe r the Y-adaptor and ehiem hose. will hv to change them every now and then. so far so good. ozoniser has already been running for abt 2 mths.
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