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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by lightningstrike

  1. u do not need a skimmer during the cycling stage.
  2. WL, IMHO, dun see why u shld be topping up ur system wif refrigerant every 1/2 yr or so........ unless there is a hairline fracture, sealant leak, etc somewhere in ur system and refrigerant is slowly but surely leaking out. if everything is normal, refrigerant shld not be depleting out of a system at such an alarming rate. by right, undercharged system will indicate low load/no load on compressor therefore showing little current drawn. overcharged system will indicate high load on comp; showing high current drawn. the above is made according to my 2 cents knowledge. better double check.
  3. sis, for Pac Coo dimensions, u can call derek at 97979910 to enquire.
  4. dun worry bro, i wun give up as yet...... not for the moment....... hv been 2 busy with work, wedding, etc...... not much time to take care of my tank.
  5. with the kind of luck i m getting from reefing, hv to give up sooner or later....... RD oso can go bonkers...... u tell me how??? think must shift my tank to a better fengshui spot liao.
  6. look here. from 1 of the many old treasure threads in the D.I.Y forum.
  7. african flameback........ difficult........ there's hardly any african shipment.
  8. put ur corals in my tank, then u wun hv to sell them. upz 4 u.
  9. IMHO, i advise strongly against sharing a same container to drip ur supplements. i'm not a chemist, but definitely, some form of chemical reactions r gonna take place and god knows what u r adding into ur system.
  10. air lock: caused by influx of excessive CO2 to ur CR. CO2 input rate too fast. look out for CO2 on the top of the CR, recirculation pump is not able to draw any water from the top.
  11. check ur CR, is there air lock within the CR?
  12. hi, was running a remora long time back. not sure if i can help, 1. is aquabee 2000/1 the right pump to use? especially 2000/1 is the high head version. recommended pump to use for remora pro is rio1400 or mag3. 2. play ard with the height of the collection cup by adjusting the o ring. 3. check ur spray injector, make sure it is not choked up.
  13. the 2 flamebacks were still there last saturday. both r abt 3" big.
  14. weisoon did juz thta, only that he connect it straight to the drainage pipe.
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