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Everything posted by reaper78

  1. And aquaray 500 x 2 reef white to pair up with lumen aqua as the former shall be acting as a supplement.
  2. Hi Guys, Just an update. My "Main" lights are finally here. Lumenaqua Ultra Brite. Next week then proceed with the installation as the need to do a slight 'mod' for the lights to be house in the cabinet.
  3. haha i sure he is a nice guy. Anyway all guys are hum sum lah (to what degree).
  4. Upz for sale! Note: The FOC ehiem 16/22 hose is brand new as seen from the pic and is longer than 55cm (as quoted previously). Bascially all u need to do is plug and play!.....
  5. Just switch on the skimmer.....prove that it is still in good working condition!
  6. Yap bro, yellow no 'backside' car. haha...i think i saw u yesterday.....
  7. haha...yap indeed. I dose almost half of my brightwell mb7 for the past 8 days.
  8. haha.......latest shot at the decomposed prawn,,,,,,
  9. Hi bro!! Yap i was there from ard 330pm to 430pm! U were there too?
  10. Dear all, As above, i have 2 x digital timer up for sale. Bought from Fairprice Extra/Giant at abt. $21.90/- new. Used for abt 6-12mths (Some of the timer was from my marine & planted tank) In my opinion, is a very reliable timer. The timer has a countdown function that can switch on/off ur appliance on ur pre-set time and random functions allows you to switch on/off the appliance in irregular time. Reason for selling: Cos i have 5 timers now and i might be using only 2-3 timers for the 'new' tank. Selling at $10/- each and of cos if the buyer required, i perform a 'live' test to ensure that it is in good working condition. Self collection at my place, jurong west (if test is required), or Alexandra Ikea. Interested, pls call/sms 97617804.
  11. Another ric garden in the making? looking good!!
  12. Angels ah?? is a hit and miss thingy.....sigh...miss my majestic angel (love to nip at corals)...
  13. Just came back from cf. Aussie corals such as acans, blastos still there, Rics left majority green colour. As for fishes quite a handful of true percular, yellow tangs/blue tangs, blood shrimps. LCK - RG, Blackcap, african flameback, yellow tangs. Other bros who been there pls contribute too as my 'memory slot' quite limited. hehe
  14. 'Supplement' light i think it should be okay, Main light for your tank size i think need 2 x Aquaray 1000? Maybe some experts on LED can express their opinion.....
  15. wah nice wrasse especially the third pic!! Now going into full wrasse collection??
  16. What turns out to be a 'see-see' only trip to cf......ended up with this........Using this as a 'supplement' to my main lights. I reckon that it is very well-priced and reasonable too....
  17. haha.....sure bro. Will definitely call and 'bother' u soon.....
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