Yap i agreed, although i never keep AT before, i heard they are not easy to keep. The diffcult part is to get em feeding initally and yes, white spot that wipe out the entire tank. I hope i not be another 'victim'.
haha..i didnt go down to irwana, call em to deliver to my place. Btwn so far, i think victor did a great job in choosing fishes with nice colouration and healthy specimen. The rest boil down to my tank condition if the fishes can adapt to it.
Trying to control the feeding, now the only thing is that a generous amount of bacteria (using MB7 and Biodigest) to grow but that take time, probably 1 - 2 yrs....
After a long day at work, i just lie on the sofa, admire the fishes and corals makes me cool and relax......
I think they still have plenty of mystery wrasse , call victor lor!!