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Everything posted by Fragmaster

  1. Take both timers and frag cylinder for $15
  2. 2x powerpac timer $5 each 1x frag cylinder. Good for covering injured corals or newly frag corals to reduce flow $10
  3. Sold. Moderaters please help to close the thread. Thanks.
  4. Set of salifurt test kits, Ca and Mg about 80 to 90 percent, No3 and po4 about 50 percent, whole set for $25 Ca powder 1 full tub and 1 quarter tub of kh powder $12 Refractometer $5 New lps coral food aquaforest $15 Ehiem auto feeder $30 2 brand new bioptim $20 each box 2 very nice shape dried rock $15 each
  5. High end magnet cleaner. Algaefree Piranhna magnet cleaner $20 Algaefree hammerhead magnet cleaner with scrapper blade to remove coraline algae too $25 Take both magnet cleaner for $35
  6. Here are the leftover from my tank decomm 4x2x2 tank Chengai wood stand Europe piping with 2 return pump ehiem 1262 and ehiem 1264 and bean animal return p Ti coated cooling cool with thermostat and compressor Skimz skimmer for 1000l tank Full cabinet with hood $400 2 standard container of Kh powder $20 1 standard container of Ca powder $10 Dd deltec salt 3/4 full $30 Kamoer dosing Pump with holder for tube $80
  7. Algaefree Piranha tank cleaner $30 Algaefree hammerhead tank cleaner with blade inside $40
  8. Just realized that this is priced wrongly. $80
  9. Rocks reserved. Light sold. Fish yellow wrasse pair $15 Maldives Blue eye anthias $10 Designer percula clown $70 Adult black ocellaris Australia clown $50 Orange mandarin $25 Reef roids 90 percent left from big bottle $25
  10. Lights and rocks reserved. Kamoer Dosing Pump and ATS still available. Gyre xf 150 - $50 Jebao wavemaker $20 The ben timer $5 Skimz skimmer rated up to 1000l - $350
  11. Ats. It is about 2ft long and support up to 1000l.
  12. Orphek Atlantic v4 with custom made aluminum stand for 4ft tank. Comes with reeflink connect too. $700
  13. Kamor 3 channel dosing pump $150 Algae turf scrubber - $40 Blotchy anthias - adult with good pinkish coloration - $150 (pellet feeding, had it for 2 years) Sunkist anthias - $40 (had it for 2 years, pellet feeding) Yellow tang - $35 Big life rocks - 2ft height by 1ft by 1ft and the other piece is 1ft by 1ft by 1ft. Rocks have algae to need to scrub before placing in tank. Selling cheap both piece for $50. 2 pc enough to fill up 4ft tank, no need to scape. Only able to clear the fish after clearing rocks Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  14. Planning to scale down. No time to look after Red gonio with yellow centre $150 Yellow torch : $70 Red cynarina with rainbow edges : $70 Multicolor Brain : $60 Priced to clear as no time to look after tank now Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  15. Clearing space Blood red plate with blue dots on polyps : $50 Ultra bubble orange ric : $50 Rainbow brain : $120 Big bubble green coral : $80 Interstellar mushroom : $35 Dragoneye zoa mini colony : $20 Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  16. Last frag of Dino egg monti available Take true rasta and dragoneye for $50 Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  17. Dragon Eye zoas colony : $25 True rasta colony : $30 Big colony of US sunflower zoas : $80 4' frag of Dino egg monti $10 Sunkist zoa frag and pink florida ric : $80 2' frag purple monti : $20 Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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