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Everything posted by Fragmaster

  1. 1 Blue ric. About 1.5X a 20cent coin size. No picture of it at the moment $25
  2. hydropora (2 pieces encrusted on the same small rock) $25
  3. Multicolour brain $35 Slightly injured when i got now. Now almost fully recovered. Picture taken today.
  4. iwarna sometimes have it. Can check it out there .
  5. Revised pricing (Priced to clear) SP 3000 dosing pump with new tube $110 3ft 250W DE MH with aluminium stand $150 blue tub $40 ( 4 ft by 2ft by 1.5ft) SP 3000 silicon tube $22 skimz FR (without pump) $45
  6. $50 Resin can be used for a couple of months more before sending for recharge.
  7. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=74722 i am selling my skimz fr on this thread.
  8. anyone know where to get such a tank?
  9. forgot to add 1 more item Skimz FR (without pump )--- $50
  10. upz for the corals . Mushroom rock reduce to $65 Nett
  11. starting another thread because cant find my old thread SP 3000 dosing pump with new tube $120 3ft 250W DE MH with aluminium stand $150 blue tub $50 SP 3000 silicon tube $25
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