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Everything posted by Fragmaster

  1. Small colony of this for trade orange faced huge polyp eagle eye. Please post pictures of the zoa that you have to trade.
  2. Description Skimmerless tank with Atman filter Water change once a week 4tubes of hopar T5 Fishes : Filament flasher wrasse Long fin fairy wrasse Cardinal Red Firefish Purple firefish Trimma (2 types) Clown goby Shrimp goby Corals: Assorted zoa frags Thats about it. Very simple setup. Nothing fancy l
  3. A 10 polyp frag of this green zoa $5
  4. Black face zoa sold. Left luminous yellow centre zoa $8 A frag of this pinkish red zoa as well $10
  5. $40 Resin can be recharged at ML. Selling because going to used distilled water instead.
  6. Black face zoa $5 Luminous yellow centre zoa $8
  7. Anyone interested in a frag of this ?
  8. http://www.americanmarineusa.com/orpcontroller.html ORP Measurement Range –1,999 to +1,999 mV Bro, i suggest you can read up before you comment .
  9. Used for about 10 months ( So should still be under warranty) Bought from reef depot Can measure negative orp readings too so can be used to tell the orp in a de nitrator. Bought at $300 plus ( selling for $240 )
  10. Thanks bro. You have a nice tank too. Inform me when you are fragging your sps. Looking forward.
  11. Colour that everyone has --- Green Black face
  12. Thanks bro. Heard you got a great collection of zoas. one day must pay you a visit
  13. upz. Prata reduced to $130 Pocci reduced to $10
  14. About 7 polyps (please offer) http://www.barrierreefaquariums.com/produc...p;idproduct=447 Will post pictures tomorrow
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