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Everything posted by sps_dude

  1. hmm.. thanks typrobin... clears my mind already.... well... the second tank is currently empty.... still cycling... and i am not planning on any fish........ just going to jam pack it with alot of LPS...... now my current establish tank got only 3 fishes...... so the next tank i am going fishless..... and no DSB,...... just SSB with lots of LR....... typrobin ....... is it true 4 cm is already high ??????? on what did u base ur answer on ??? did u experience B4 ... sorry...... i just need clearification..... didnt mean to question ur answer..... hope u not offended... thanks....
  2. here is the situation...... i got 2 3 feet tank ... side by side in a L shape....... one tank is higher than the other BY 4 cm..... i was thinking of drilling a small hole on the higher tank so it will overflow into my other tank..... the question is will water overflow even if it is only 4 cm higher ????? thanks....
  3. hi ... anybody knows where to get millepora(fire corals) 1)stylaster SP(lace fire coral) 2)distichopora 3) gymnangium gracillicaule (lace hydroid) anybody knows where to get any of the species above.... or is it fire corals are banned in singapore
  4. i can give u..... but its not size 0 or 1....... but its auite small IMO....
  5. for those who want to know.... i am using a weipro SA-2012.. running on a JEbao 3000 pump..... comments pls...
  6. more pics..... so can anyone tell me wether it is good skimmate or is it too watery....
  7. hi this is the pics of my skimmate...... can anybody tell me is this good quality ski8mmate or bad skimmate.....
  8. nice tank..... where did u get those fake LR??
  9. using rowaphos... might work..... but u need loads of it...... how about shading the pond from direct sunlight...... or if u dont want it to be shaded.......... u can do the following add fast growing plants such as underwater plants 1)nymphea lotus(water lily) 2)cambomba aquatica(green cabomba) floating plants 1)pistia stratiotes(water lettuce) 2)eichhornia crassipes(water hyacinth) terrarium/marsh plants 1)dieffenbachia seguine(common dumbcane) 2)dracenae deremensis (those plants that used by buddhist for praying) terrarium plants can help by trailing the roots in water and it will abosrb the nutrients........ my suggestion is mainly biological..... regular waterchange also helps.... good luck.....
  10. nice tank..... erm.. how did u get that yellowish effect ???? cool....
  11. another....this is from the base looking up...... base of collection chamber...
  12. sold to d00d...... here is the picture he requested.....
  13. those who really interested or got any question ... can call me at 91502745... thanks........or sms....
  14. hi... i am selling a red sea PRIZM skimmer .... used for close to 6 months already.... can wash before collection....... there is no cracks on the skimmer.... selling for $150... its not the smallest model... it comes with a surface skimmer attachment ....... and a basket for carbon........ anybody interested or got any questions... can get me through PM.... thanks... will give priority to those who PM me first.......
  15. erm... u got any pictures of the tubze skimmers ????? thanks....
  16. wow caviar...... rich sia ....... so coperband is really safe ar ???????
  17. dude... almost every LFS that carry marine fish will indefinately sell macroalge...... cheers
  18. revised price..... asking for $50 now...
  19. by the way its made of fiberglass..... can be used for marine too..... but not so nice........ its quite light too........
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