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Everything posted by sps_dude

  1. thanks alanseah..... for ur help....... so any bros out there can pin point exactly where is best to put my tunze ???? if possible draw arrows in the pic to indicate where to put the tunze ???????? plz///.... thanks.......
  2. mods... please help me resize.. i tried.. but cannot le.... but anyway .. this is basically what my rockscape looks like.. so can anyone advice where to put my tunze ????????
  3. hi.. this is basically what my tank rockscape looks like..... my question is.. where do i put the tunze... (tunze 6060) if i want to make the whole tank a SPS reef....... plz comment.... i am willing to rockscape again to get the perfect position.. pls point it out to me... thanks....
  4. bro.. u sure u can handle it...... u also wqanted to be a cadet inspector for NPcc if i am not wrong........ and u also want to handle this coral conservation thingy....... are u really sure.............
  5. remember to try to use plastic air valves.... try not to use the metal ones.....
  6. upz for this thread.... i also want to know........ probably if i want to get large quantity of corals from farms from indonesia......
  7. exactly half an hour more to hari raya...... 12 midnight marks the end of the fasting month...
  8. in anyways.... a water change would help..... else the semen or eggs of the snail will pollute the water.....
  9. erm.. i think mosquito will only breed only on still freshwater..... unless we are talking about mutant mosquitoes here...
  10. it is actually not harmful.... u will be a proud grandfather of thousnads of snails soon.... jokes aside......what i would reccomend is to do a water change.. 30 % daily......
  11. bro.. what brand of test kit are u using...... some brand are notorious for giving false information....
  12. hmmz... as u have said to me before..... making skimmers shortens ur life..... joke
  13. erm.. whats a gan bei ??? sorry me dont konow chinese....
  14. ryz u and me got the same answer.. cool.... lucky NA students no need to take a maths in my school... i suck at e maths already....
  15. erm.. fressine and the rest of the O levels candidate......... whats ue answer for when they ask to measure the length of from p to a(my ans 12)............ the loci question,... frankly i think this paper was easy to do...... before i enter the exam hall..... i thought my fate will be sealed and will be sent to ite.... but now i got a little flame of hope burning in me.....
  16. wah... RYZ using his physics knowledge.. haha jokes aside.... i do think that blowing on the surface of the main tank will be a better option........ my 2 cents...
  17. ryz.... u sec 4 right.. we sec 5 take the old syllabus.... we are the last batch to do so......u express or dragon babies.... take new syllabus paper....... this year its rabbit babies versus dragon babies......... haha....... tomorrow e maths ....... sianz.....nothing much about the pessagea ar...... fressine whats ur asnwer for the first question....... why the author describe the coral animals as amazing...... i wrote... even thiough they are tiny animals they can build very large structures... u ????
  18. fressine i guess we are the lucky ones....... last batch to take the old syllabous... erm .... ya about coral reefs and tourism.. how tourism destroy the lifes of locals around coral reefs and drug companies extracting toxins from corals to make medicene,.,,,, and useing live rock to make buildings........
  19. maybe .... alot of redsea salt........... if i not wrong their branch is over there.... but be careful though...
  20. guess kerry appeals to me more.....
  21. how do u guys fing the social studies paper today ????????? .. glad i studied switzerland..........
  22. bro flamey... nice what....... i like the wild look... seem that i just simply dont like the garden type..... prefer those done by takashi amano....... wild yet so serene and peaceful.........
  23. me too... taking o levels this year..... but never retake my mother tongue..... suck big time at it got a c5.........my paper begins at tuesday....... social studies......... fasting some more......
  24. erm.. if i not wrong.... red coralline algae is due to high magnesium levels... currently my tank also got high levels of magnesium so i have lots of red coralline on my rocks and glass....
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