junyong84 is quite true though.. i believe they r still adapting.. give them 3days-1wk to see some true results.. my percula had 1 wk of adapting then swim ard but then 2nd day his partner died keke so might be too sad n stress to swim ard keke ~
oh gosh so i guess i shouldnt hav bought the ph test kit ? i onli hav no2 n this ph tester kit wat abt the others ? realli needed ? went thru the whole tester kit saw so mani but wondering which one is tat i truely need it though...
yup try goin in a pair or more cos there r stray dogs n watever creatures ard lol u might juz bump into a wild boar or even monkey if u r lucky haa ~ i'm workign nearby but not in neither farms...
oh ok woah tats pretty scary ... in the middle of the night or whenever...
ok i tink i will go with my ideas n plans i hope keke but of course not too much .. muz restrict myself lol~ thks alot!
of course i read juz tat was not too sure ~ scare make the wrong move ~ erm would it be advisable to remove some of my sand ? example .. half ? the sand is ard 4inches weights 4kg
live rocks plus the prawn ? woah how long will it take ? depends on the quantity of live rocks rite ? wat exactly will the prawn do ? lol i still dun realli understand abt the prawn theory ~
up to 10kg ? erm currently should be ard 6.. sandbank... i tink so
btw been refilling water into the 1st cycle for 3 times this time round the salt seems to disolve abit so the hydrometer shows abit of not enough i need to mix n pour it in ?