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zhu star

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Everything posted by zhu star

  1. Hi bro: Is your tank still available? If yes I would like to have it. I can be reach at 975259978. I also stay very near your place so collection is not a problem. Thanks
  2. Over the weekend I went to LFS to look see, I notice that there are some cheap and small Skimmer that is made in China. I was told by the store owner that these skimmer are next to hopeless (very honest opinion, I like his unusual way of selling) but he mentioned that it is better than nothing for small tank! Any senior here have use this cheap skimmer or would like to comment? The reason for asking is that I am looking at it physical size that is capable of being istalled in my tank rather than the pricing, athough I would like to save as much as possible and use this saving to buying live stock, I realise the important of water management as these living things depends on me to live.
  3. Any special reason why you suggested Algae blenny? Thanks
  4. Thanks, I will look into it. If the equipment suit my set up, I will certainly buy it.
  5. Banggai Cardinalfish is my number 1 favorite fish. It is because of this fish that I wanted to try Marine fish keeping after more than 10 years of keeping goldfishes. As for your suggestion, I suppose I can buy 1 first and later buy more for my bigger set up. Thanks
  6. I have already read your thread and in fact learn alot from it. My set up is actually as per your version. As I have many of these standard tanks that I used to keep luohan fishes, I intend to try another type of set up using the concept that I have obtained from melevsreef.com. What I have in mind is to use 1 of this 2' tank as the main display tank and another one use as my slump tank with refigum. There will be no overflow box in the main tank cos the concept uses a HOB plastic box as a overflow box known as 'weir'. The advantage that I get from this set up is - No need to drill holes for plastic PVC pipes in the main tank - Bigger capacity for my fishes etc in the main tank without IOS - Almost twice the water capacity thus improving and maintaining water parameter in the system - All supporting equipements can be kept away from the main tank. Any reef keeper with such experience? Thanks
  7. Thank you for your reply, As I am still very sotong in Marine fish keeping, I would like to know what is a Alge screen, I would appreicates if u can further describe the concept to me Thanks
  8. I maintain a small office for my small biz dealing with engineering trading lah, more like a part time to keep my mind fit kinda of job. Anyway, biz is getting slower and slower so thinking of spending my time in setting up this tank sometime middle next year. As in keeping with the current economic situation I intend to constructed this set up myself as much as possible. Cheers
  9. Hi all seniors: I am new in marine fish and hope to learn as much as possible from all experience fish keeper here. Currently I have partition one of my 1' x 1' x 2' standard glass tank for IOS (size of partition about 10cm x 30 cm x 30cm. I hope to use the tank for a nano reef setup. As I am a retired old man, I dont have much budget to purchase expensive items unless necessary. The questions I want to ask is as follows: 1 What is the flow rate of the pump I should use?(I am looking at about 600 l/hr) 2 The type of lightning that is suitable, preferably without buying Metal Halide 3 Can I buy blue colour LED lights from Sim Lim Tower to use as moonlighting? 4 Type of Protein Skimmer ( Is Weipro 2011 suitable) 5 What type of corals can I keep without using expensive chiller (I intend to fit twin cooling fans, tank will be housed in the coolest part of the house) 6 As the capacity of the tank is small, can I buy bottle drinking water to mix with my sea salt? If yes any brand that is suitable? 7 If I buy sea water direct from the shop, Can I use it without further treatment? 8 The fish and Inverterbrate that I hope to keep is as follows, are they suitable for my tank? - Hermit crab (1pc) - Pink reef lobster (1pc) - Shunk cleaner shrimp (2pc) - Neon Goby (1pc) - Blanded Blennies (1pc) - Common Clownfish (2 pcs) - Bangaii Cardinalfish (3 pcs) When buying the above live stock, I will buy the smallest I can find. Any live stock that will outgrow this tank will be transfered to a 3' x 2' x 2' tank that I intend to set up in my office. Will appricates all coments and suggests from experience fish keeper here. Thank you all in advance and also Wishing all fish keeper in this foruma HAPPY NEW YEAR.
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