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Everything posted by Venezia

  2. hi folks. 1 more day b4 auction close and naso tang gets new home.
  3. Still ON until sunday 12 june 2359hours.
  4. overflow box has been reserved . thanks
  5. sorry for the wrong identification .. thanks DA n Gouldian for clarifying.
  6. been with me for 5 months.. feeds on pellets, cyclopeeze, mysis shrimp and fish eggs. have since develop really nice blue spots. never have ich b4. sometimes graze on hair algae and chaeto(steal). about 3-4 inch long. starting bid from $5. pls bid only here. hope to find a good home for it, so only for at least 3ft and larger tanks , hopefully with no aggressive tangs. bid close @ sunday(12 june) 2359hours. reason for selling: overgrown for my tank. also disturb my clown pair from spawning.
  7. did u mention u only have 3 piece of live rock? get some more life rock , may be able to get it cheap from reefers who are leaving the hobby... and patience, allow the tank to cycle , and dun add anymore live stock . if u could , show us a pic of your tank and equipments. and if u have already added medications into your tank, suggest u scrub everything.. or change water
  8. upz... was previously used on my 2 feet tank . also used on 3 ft tank b4.
  9. i think he means the clementi florist shop..
  10. does look like pest nudibranchs.. better take out your zoos and rinse them of the nudi and theirs eggs. otherwise, say bye bye to your zoos.
  11. is your system new? could be ammonia poisoning ? why not u change some water... 25% -40%
  12. "swim to the surface" : could be lack of oxygen and how big is your tank , so many fishes inside... u have a toatl of 22 fishes!!
  13. sure it can fir into a 2ft tank cos i used it previously for mine too. here is the link to the pics : overflow box someone ask me to reserve but have not get back to me since. i guess i'll sell it to whoever gets back to me first
  14. hi folks brittle starfish available again... population exploding.. 10-15 for $5. collection west side also available *150w hanging MH * Black acrylic overflow box
  15. my opinion... 1) change water 25% weekly 2) upgrade better skimmer 3) remove 20% corals chips weekly/biweekly 4) add more live rock 5) increase circulation good luck
  16. hey yiling, nice red sun coral!!
  17. pls do not dose sea salt directly. u may harm the organisms in your tank especially if the salt falls onto them---> salt burn.. then the tissue affected will start to die off
  18. are u distributing this product? pls pm me price. saw a lady use baby pram to ferry her sheltie... far away tot its a baby, come nearer become a dog in a baby pram...
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