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Everything posted by Venezia

  1. this can be commonly found on all of our beaches.. look on rocks or ropes can u can find them closed like a ball of jelly or open like a flower.. they do sting but its not harmful to humans as their sting only works for small fishes.. beware when keeping in a small tank together with small fishes.. its somewhat similar to the tube anemone.. when harvesting from beach, pls be careful not to injure the foot/base of the anemone.. have fun..
  2. now that she's back , dun need to get a life.. Get A Job..
  3. now u can spent your sleepless nites trying to catch them
  4. updated as of 9 sep 05 1) iantoh qty: 15 collected 2) woon ming qty: 30 collected 3) colacozier qty :15 collected 4) Rav65 qty: 150 collected 5) acontia :45 collected 6) ong2ah qty :30 collected 7) silverghost 15 8) bliss 9) chui qty: 150 10) kthc qty : 15 11) abyss qty :45 12) subxero qty :15 14) yijing55 qty : 60 15) dt8666 qty : 60 16) HypoC qty: 15 17) bengtat qty :10 18) rockfish qty: 30 19) kareen qty: 30-50 20) coolsky qty :30 21) zorden
  5. updated as of 1 sep 05 1) iantoh qty: 15 collected 2) woon ming qty: 30 collected 3) colacozier qty :15 collected 4) Rav65 qty: 150 collected 5) acontia :45 collected 6) ong2ah qty :15 7) silverghost 15 8) bliss 9) chui qty: 150 10) kthc qty : 15 11) abyss 12) subxero qty :15 14) yijing55 qty : 60 15) dt8666 qty : 60 16) HypoC qty: 15 17) bengtat qty :10 18) rockfish qty: 30 19) kareen qty: 30-50 20) coolsky qty :30 21) zorden
  6. Sorry for the delay: updated 1) iantoh qty: 15 collected 2) woon ming qty: 30 collected 3) colacozier qty :15 collected 4) Rav65 qty: 150 collected 5) djviper qty: 15 6) ong2ah qty :15 7) silverghost 15 8) bliss 9) chui qty: 150 10) kthc qty : 15 11) abyss 12) acontia 13) 14) subxero qty :15 15) yijing55 qty : 60 16) dt8666 qty : 30 17) HypoC qty: 15 18) bengtat qty :10 19) rockfish : 30 will be calling next person soon..
  7. dun think so.. but an eye sore
  8. i guess not but u must remove the entire piece including the foot otherwise it may regrow back in a month's time. they attach to the lr , so its difficult to siphon unless ur siphon tube has a sharp prick at the tip to remove n den siphon to remove it.
  9. your water quality not good, den your fishes becomes stressed. tat's why they get ich. cleaner shrimps are not a solution to control ich... instead , shrimps are susceptible to high nitrates. they may 'mati' instead of cleaning your sick fishes. use UV to reduce free floating parasites... feed garlic soak food/vit c
  10. those are Sycon sp. sponges. they are free living and reproduce fairly quickly , in my tank. to me, they are nuisance .. with all those prickly stuff on their pillowy capsules.. every month must do manual removal with toothpick
  11. Hi all Have consolidated my list, here it is: 1) iantoh qty: 15 collected 2) woon ming qty: 30 collected 3) colacozier qty :15 collected 4) Rav65 qty: 150 Pending collection 5) djviper qty: 15 6) ong2ah qty :15 7) silverghost 15 8) bliss 9) chui qty: 150 10) kthc qty : 15 11) abyss 12) acontia 13) 14) subxero qty :15 15) yijing55 qty : 60 16) dt8666 qty : 30 17) HypoC qty: 15 18) bengtat qty :10 19) rockfish : 30 tats all for now. pls be patient ya.
  12. its under 20000k lite with coral blue. dun have it under white only le. its same coral under white lite. except that the tentacles not so greenish..
  13. every thing u do has its investment, and if u seriously wanna do clown breeding , this book is a gd investment... sneak peak of one page. pictures show larvae development
  14. It would be best for u to acquire the same book that seafood bro bought, Clownfishes by Joyce D. Wilkerson. it will tell u all about clownfish, selection , care , husbandary and breeding.
  15. in -tank temporary refugium
  16. yeah.. bath the dog and bring it here! alrite folks , acidjazz is not available on saturday from 6 to 10pm. opps
  17. must tok for 5 mins mah..
  18. hey vincent, look at the grey areas within the couple and thou shall see the 9 dolphins
  19. Finally.... Phone Call to Woon Ming : $1.00 Titan T5 Retrofit: $###### Happy Inhabitants & Satisfied Owner: $ Priceless
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