this can be commonly found on all of our beaches.. look on rocks or ropes can u can find them closed like a ball of jelly or open like a flower.. they do sting but its not harmful to humans as their sting only works for small fishes..
beware when keeping in a small tank together with small fishes.. its somewhat similar to the tube anemone.. when harvesting from beach, pls be careful not to injure the foot/base of the anemone.. have fun..
i guess not but u must remove the entire piece including the foot otherwise it may regrow back in a month's time. they attach to the lr , so its difficult to siphon unless ur siphon tube has a sharp prick at the tip to remove n den siphon to remove it.
your water quality not good, den your fishes becomes stressed. tat's why they get ich. cleaner shrimps are not a solution to control ich... instead , shrimps are susceptible to high nitrates. they may 'mati' instead of cleaning your sick fishes.
use UV to reduce free floating parasites... feed garlic soak food/vit c
those are Sycon sp. sponges. they are free living and reproduce fairly quickly , in my tank. to me, they are nuisance .. with all those prickly stuff on their pillowy capsules.. every month must do manual removal with toothpick
every thing u do has its investment, and if u seriously wanna do clown breeding , this book is a gd investment...
sneak peak of one page. pictures show larvae development
It would be best for u to acquire the same book that seafood bro bought, Clownfishes by Joyce D. Wilkerson. it will tell u all about clownfish, selection , care , husbandary and breeding.