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Everything posted by Venezia

  1. My area! Lets' Clap - seafood restaurant (chinese) at Rail Mall - crab is good n fresh $3/100g Gone-Fishing Cafe at chu lin rd- more for chilling out (closed mon & tue)
  2. he mentioned in his first post he's uSing T5. it may not bleach but may dry out if out of the water --> become dried nori
  3. Mr santa claus yes u can do that, however u can stick at the the side of the tank instead of floating it around.. After initial acclimation to your tank conditions, it will grow and absorb nitrates. However dun expect it to be miracle plant.
  4. hi, my classmate's father got factory according to him.. they make cabinets and wooden stuff, if interested i can get the office number for u. The factory in sembawang.
  5. Once U start, U cant Stop My little brother... goona eat up all my brownies.. Somebody stop him!!
  6. As usual $12 per 1/2 kg (the whole square cake in the pic, can cut into 12 small slices.. topping : icing sugar Free delivery above $50 Great for office and family x'mas party.. Premium california walnuts used 10% discount for orders before 15 dec 2006. for sampling pls pm me for location.
  7. Hi all It's back again!! Pls wait for new pictures!!
  8. wow.. u found a 2 yr old thread.. i think CKS 's no more keeping puffer fishes .. Seahorse i think??
  9. Man.. i love australia... mus save $$ now..
  10. the brown stuff that is expelled is zooxanthellae.. its a sign of bleaching. Zooxanthellae makes food for corals through photosynthesis. Maybe u wanna read this Coral bleaching Whats your water parameters and temperature like?
  11. artificial white vinegar.. available at any provision shop or supermarket. 1L $1.oo plus 3L or isit 5L cheaper if u need more
  12. Hi Need to get a squamosa clam for research purposes for my university project. anone letting go, pls pm me. I'm looking for healthy specimens only. thx And pls dun sell at ridiculous prices.
  13. Your lobo dun look too good man.. Can anybody who keep lobo advise him?
  14. Ideal pH should be around 8.3 i think and Alkalinity should be higher also, like 12 or something. Since your tank is cyclying den there is bound to be some nitrite, after cyclying this should be 0. And... your calcium... its ok but it dosent really "tally" with the pH and Alk, as in low pH will precipitate out calcium. U need to do a search in the forum. iT'S been mentioned b4.
  15. nIce TAnK bUT Be CaREfUL oF whO u Let IntO ur hOUse... sOMe PPl mAy bE wOLf In SheeP ClOThiNGS. So BE vEry cArefUL, EspEciALLy If U r A gAl..
  16. dude. thats not good... however, congrats thou
  17. gobies will be good eg. yashia, griesingeri and also small shrimps... get ride of crabs and boobits worms in your rocks otherwise your small fishes will dissappear one by one a pair of true percula can be added as main attraction
  18. seems bleached... must have expelled its zooxanthalle(spell correctly?) is your water temp too warm?
  19. Macroalgae packs available (about 3) if collect on saturday by 5pm , free 1 small frag sps pls pm me by 3pm. thankx
  20. erm.. 1? from wat i see, it seems to give birth.. 1 at a time. jus pops rite out from the bottom of the big brittle star and ya.. 12) subxero qty:15 yours is ready.... pls pm me for collection if u r still interested . thx
  21. Great improvements of colors, ian! and he nv fails to give credits to those who have help him Congrats on acquiring the new $4 million island , 3km west of hawaii.... oops, i mean the black cap
  22. yo ppl... some collected.. however still available becos algae grows 1 small container of chaeto, and mixed caulerpa $10 self collect. thank u
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