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Everything posted by tjy

  1. Great diy! Looking forward to more updates... Very impressed!
  2. Selling away a Hailea HC150A chiller. Bought for about 1 year. Currently still on my set up. Selling as i've decided to go FOWLR, so no use for chiller. In good working condition.. Asking $180. Any enquiries, do pm me to deal.
  3. WTB a dosing pump.. Looking at preferably 3 channel dosing. Please do PM if you have any !
  4. Selling away brand new ecotech coral glue(295ml) Bought from irwana a week ago, but realised i have half bottle left in my fridge! Item is still brand new, unopned, in box. I bought at abt $70+, selling at $55! Drop me a PM. FCFS, collect at AMK
  5. item bought !! Mod pls help to close thread ! THANKS
  6. Looking to purchase a chiller for my 1.5ft cube tank. Looking toward 1/10 or 1/15. So hailea 130 , 150 are good. or any others, do just let me know. Sms me at 91084088
  7. This topic and post simply made my mouth open wide ! Be a responsible reefer.. Read up before you start. Everyone starts from the very beginning, and we go through the process of learning. Read up on cycling of tank, read up on how to do it properly. if not, you are only killing those innocent livestocks. I am seriously very curious to know what went wrong and how it died within 2 minutes. I think the very first thing you should tell us is WHAT FISH have you bought. I am really starting to believe you bought freshwater fishes.
  8. Looking to buy ATO system. Do let me know if you have 1. Am quite interested in the JBJ ato. But any others welcomed too! Pm me or sms to 91084088
  9. Bid item 1, $22! Those zoas that i got from you previously are doing very well!
  10. that's a very good temperature ! thanks bro !! will definitely give it a try
  11. yup, cooling fan might be an option Will monitor and see how it goes !
  12. Bro, you got an awesome tank too !!! was looking at your thread just earlier on !
  13. Thanks ! yep, not on chiller (YET).. am still thinking about it. Few reasons : 1) I don't like to have that 2 extra pipe outside (prefer hidden) , but there's no space to hide it in the cabinet due to the sump 2) I never open up my windows at home and all windows are covered with blinds (even kitchen).. so mostly if at home, will on the aircon... that's why my temperature is constant at 29degrees.. I would say veryvery constant since day 1. Still thinking if I should install 1 and reduce it to 28degrees.. but seems the LS are still doing quite alright, so might put the plan of chiller on hold for awhile, before deciding
  14. Thanks bro, will stick to the lighting hours Have been in this hobby since long ago (judging from my joined date), but was on a big and FOWLR tank... but right now, on a nano with reefs, i guess it is very much different and gotta be a little more careful with the parameters.
  15. In fact, I thought so too as well, but upon some chats with madpetz, was advised that mine may be too strong. I going on 2 x 10w white, which is rather strong, hence may not be good for too long usage. But with the current timing, corals seems to be doing really well as for cost of livestocks, really never keep note leh... sorry bro, i buy bit by bit, so cannot remember le leh...
  16. Am rather new to Nano tanks and have stopped marine for a number of years. Finally decided to restart this hobby and am doing it on a rather small scale. Tank is purchased from Dr Evil (the cube mini80). Really thumbs up! Smsed them and they prepared for me to collect the very next day. No hard selling, no pushing of other items. They just recommended if I needed anything else, but definitely won't force you to buy anythings (unlike some other shops that I've been to ! ) Cycled the tank for some time and finally started adding corals and some fishes in. Adding them slowly to prevent overloading, but hopefully everything will be good ! Some specs: Tank: 1.5ft cube with overflow to Sump Skimmer: Weipro Protein skimmer Lightings: DIY-ed a LED lighting but only to realize not enough blue, so bought a blue set from Madpetz. - 2 x 10w white - 3 x 3w blue - 7 x 2w royal blue Blues are on 12 hours a day, white on 6 hours. Am just keeping very basic corals and keeping everything simple ! Here are some photos. Am still very new, hence will really appreciate advices and opinions I will also intend to DIY a refrugium to keep some cheatos, but am still figuring out how and what to go about doing it.
  17. Looking for used (but good condition) LED light sets. Am on 1.5 ft cube tank. Would like something like the maxspect 60w Pls pm or sms me at 9108 4088.
  18. BOUGHT !! thanks all ! Mod pls help to close thread
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