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Everything posted by Creetin

  1. as above please pm me if u have any to sell
  2. no problem dude! now u should know e roads to my place better the gold one is undergoing cultivation and there will be frags available, very soon
  3. this 3ft set will be sold together with my other 2ft set... will be bundled together - first come first served http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=76955
  4. tks for all your interest...my apologies I need to change this sale. as i have another 3ft 2x39w T5 to sell, to save my time i have decided to bundle this 2ft set with it...please pm me if u can take both... price is total $50+80=$130 please visit this thread for the other pics of the 3ft set http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=76938
  5. bro sure got something for u but not sure if u need it though...! i have a nice palm sized radioactive zoa, and the green frag ... the red one totally sold out for now but when i am able to frag again sure contact u hehee... let me know if u keen ok bro?
  6. hi all, selling this T5 light set for $50... the light set is in good condition and i would have used it if not for the red housing...reason for selling is I felt that the red housing doesnt go with my color scheme. Everything works as I have checked it, moonlight works fine as well.. bought from a fellow reefer...xinga78, (hope u dun mind) have borrowed her pix... I have fixed my deltec tubes on it... 1 x 10k and 1 x blue pro... bought for $50 selling for $50...
  7. pix as requested... pm me if keen collection at bkt panjang
  8. sorry for asking but need to know if any hardware shops open during night time sellig this? thanks!
  9. bought from a fellow reefer... only tested it.. selling at $80.. please note that the bulbs are normal T5 bulbs, not ATI... also the reflector clips are broken and need to replace them collection at bukit panjang... please pm me if keen
  10. hi Jem... red frag, green frag, radioactive frag are avail...
  11. zoapox... most jialat thing to happen...no one knows why or how... so lets not be mistaken that zoas are easy to keep! btw Pauline i have some furan 3 if u want to try u can have it foc. however my previous results were not encouraging... furan 2 is hard to get, if c328 has, then is good for you alternatively i suggest to just throw it away? cos its too time consuming and u risk spreading the pox to other zoas without a quarantine tank...
  12. upz for a good reefer... single MH power... love your tank...! sad that you decom though!
  13. day 27... i have red algae on my screen... perhaps due to high nutrients or whatever but i kinda like it really... anyhow i have red turf algae problem so perhaps its natural to have some of these stuff..
  14. some frags are still available please pm me if keen
  15. i love the scaping! very natural...
  16. wow bro nice tankie u got there!!! btw phoenix 14k is a bulb that can be used without any supplementation... i guess by adding more u can get more blue. else u can consider a bulb more whitish like a 10k?
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