its in my word document... its not the real dragon eye please note haha
sorry i forgot - free chaeto for buyers this chaeto will not be packed with any water dont worry they can survive without water for a few hours
guys thanks yes the tank is really nice, done by yonghua... but of course the pictures were taken before it was up and running...
the cabinet is a diy one... not a bad job but had to run to carpenter for reinforcement. saved a bit of $
anyway guys if u keen do pm me with your offers at least i can decide how much $ to cough up for my next setup *ouch*
thinking of an upgrade...please offer me... looking at $100+ if possible
Main Tank is 8mm Glass - 24x14x14 inches
comes with sump and scrubber
comes with big ibox model
Also has a small scrubber
PM me , collection at bkt panjang
updates...upz for
1. red zoa with blue center
2. green zoa frag - reduced to $10
3. golden zoa
the rest should be sold unless someone backs out
also have a rock of green palythoas for $5 only - around 5 inches big...
frag pack items - red zoa, gold zoa, green zoa, green with white center zoa, pink zoa
4 frags for $40... tonga zoa foc (its color is not very bright in my tank, intend to give away hopefully under MH better)
collection at bkt me if keen
For zoa buyers - can also see my 2 small ricordea floridas to sell for $15 sell in a package of $30.
will throw in some 'tonga' zoas which have not been doing well in my tank
Bro Yellow Tanker is a fellow scrubber fanatic and is a great host as well...others and myself have had the privilege of seeing his tank and scrubber(s) in action
If so i have to get some tangs for backup... i suspect they will love this stuff.
isnt it great that it can be a totally self sustaining ecosystem? only thing is we have to keep tangs and other algae eaters to finish this stuff...simple brilliant