Hey anyone seen this yet?
i saw it at Molecule, interesting stuff. Enclosed system with shrimps. Only need light...
Our planet is a closed system in which living organisms thrive: a biosphere where nothing leaves or enters except sunlight. Your AquaWorld is a miniature biosphere, encapsulating the fundamental working of our own Earth.
Inside your AquaWorld Crustacea known as Red Shrimps are sustained in a beach environment. You do not have to feed the shrimp, or change their water. It’s the Perfect Pet! Nothing enters or leaves the container but light and heat - no food, air, water or waste. The light causes the algae and microalgae to produce the oxygen for the shrimps, and shrimps on their side produce carbon dioxide and nutrients for the algae to grow.
The creators of the Aqua World have completed one ten day space experiment on U.S. Shuttle and two four month experiments on board the Russian Space Station Mir with sealed closed ecosystems similar to the Aqua World .