hi guys, i am using the outsump model (400l) and currently am in e process of tuning. i used a valve to control e flow rate from pump into e skimmer - had some foaming wif a 1200l pump but decided that a 900l/hr would do and changed the pump.
however, after fixing the 900l/hr, it seems like it couldnt skim anything at all. i did get a layer of foam but its like super wet and couldnt get itself up into e cup. instead it slides up and down. and when i turn off the pump to feed e fish, e water level goes down, and it goes back into my water
i did try to increase e flow but e water level will overflow from the top of the chamber...
under 1200l/hr
- output flow very slow, tuned to the lowest with a valve
- air intake about 3/4
- foam occured within 1 day
under 900l/hr
- output flow slow, but more than e 1200/hr
- air intake about 3/4
- moving layer of wet foam
i have attached a pic from planetg's skimmer (same as mine, literally )
red line shows e water level when both feeder pump and aquabee is on (bubbles are here)
blue line shows e water level when only feeder pump is on.
kindly advise....