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Everything posted by zorden

  1. anyway to kill them fast?? use crab trap (mineral water version) my tank is 3 ft in ht
  2. it can be hang on the 2 hooks.. me currently using this set too
  3. so i think the answer is getting a sump is better.... well going to do so..then.......
  4. thanks lightings.. i think the best solution is REDO the tank my way... i mean the normal way you guys did... not any extra-ODDdinary way
  5. actually redoing a tank may be cheaper... some professional help my dad engage recommend me to get 2 cannister and also 2 skimmers if i don want to redo tank.. but getting a extra cannister and skimmer cost more than the setup
  6. i want to setup a RIGHT tank.. so in the future i can do whatever setup i want... now to have constraints here and there.. maybe i can just replace my tank..get a new one with proper sump and can have a ref.. more ideal... do u guys agreed with redoing the tank.. or spending $$$ on cannister.. both use $$ too
  7. someone recommend me to use 2 cannister and also 2 skimmers.. he also tell me that cannister need to maintance like every 8 mths.. so cannister just clean every 8 mths to 1 yr can liao?? look risky to me
  8. well.. due to a poor setup... i don think i can use sump btw..me still a newbie. but just wondering if cannister can use for sps tank?
  9. the tank is around 3 ft * 3 ft * 2.6 ft
  10. Is it possible to use cannister for SPS
  11. well what kind of cannister to use... any good cannister to recommend....
  12. someone recommend me to use cannister to replace sump tank? may i know what are the pros and cons??? my tank is around 3ft*3ft*2.6
  13. i mean i use the L bow and other PVC pipes to construct the overflow. and the pipe will run across the tank (under the DSB ) to the left of the tank, then join with a vertical pipe as the overflow. please refer to the picture.. the black area refer to the L bow and the pink area represent pipes under the DSB and the blue dot refer to the vertical pipe that is link from the pipes (pink) to the surface of the water as overflow. .... sorry for my bad phrasing.. any disadvantage for this setup
  14. i have a question. can i use a L Bow and run a pvc pipe under the sand bed (3 inch) across the tank? will anything bad befall on this setup
  15. can consider that... hope my wife allows as the overflow box will be seen in her piano room...
  16. so if we go beyond the 690 walts, we need a relay for that?
  17. so u mean if we just more than your current voltage need to use amp? what is the highest amt of voltage for the fox controller (3AMP) which does not require relay? me from multimedia in poly not from ENginn or electronics
  18. well... anymore advises and correction welcome... except for change of tank:(
  19. i am aware of this.. however my co partner assure me that this going to be okay.. there is still spaces between the wall and the tank. we might do a hook up overflow... .* any disadvantage of a hook-up.
  20. well..i can remove the lighting. it just hook onto a fixture attached to the wall.
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