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  1. Hi Shaohui, Glad to see that your tank up and nicely scaped. gerald
  2. i think each of us got to responsible of what we have spoken; .....I trust no adult will speak and behave like this. your friend get a issue on tank and you launch a personnel attack without his acknowledgement; seem no problem was found earlier and you trying to comment now the problem on a tank and implying all got issuse. think one should handle task professionaly; like many bro/sis did. not mi-use SGREEF site personnel I don't know who is TANGGY and I don't understand why he trying to recommend my tank to his friend (and he get his tank from .. not from us) thks again for many bro/sis who PM us and the support gerald
  3. Hi tanggy, thks for concern in tank. see can let me know who eaxctly is your friend so I can follow up; can't recall kia siow probably can have the nick or christian name would be better. good days
  4. Bro Roi, glad to see your tank up to speed and in place. Happy New Year rgds, gerald
  5. Bro Rio, glad to see your tank up to speed and in place. Happy New Year rgds, gerald
  6. Nice setup; glad to see it up to speed. keep it up.
  7. Hope not to cause any alarm. I guess the main conerned in fish tank is water resistant; so long the silicon is both water and weather resistant and is 100% silicon is safe. DC specify that DC 795 is of very strong weathersealing (which is very important to building). I don't thick they claim that DC795 is water resistant. Many silicon are both water/weather resistant; so in general they are safe for fish tank making.
  8. A bit of experience to share. Has seen several tanks with black silicon peeled off (after 2 weeks of curing) before water was in; but so far not in clear silicon. Modulus expansion of silicon is around range of 30~50%; I would agree black DC 795 is best in term of it (50%) but it is meant to be used in building; especially effective in glass with gaps/tapered joined.
  9. It is not advisable to mix different silicon before applied. The approach tank maker used is applied first round of white silicon on primary joint; and subsequently applied the black silicon on fillet & bracing (including the vertical & bottom) which will ensure fast curing of structure. And transfer the entire tank to storage location for full curing. I think it is not recommended by DC to use DC795 on surfaces that are continuous immersed in water. to use DC 795. according to their usage ( http://www.dowcorning.com/DataFiles/090007b5801797db.pdf ), Under Limitation, DC stated that the DC 795 is not to be used on surfaces that are continuous immersed in water. So for fish tank that has this silicon used must not have water in it, I guess good night
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