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Everything posted by mr_xxx

  1. thks all for for the encouragement... i was so fortunate to grab that zoas before other could do that....
  2. very nice zoas collection bro.....
  3. superb collection u got there bro!
  4. some recent photos taken by using new lens nikkor 50mm f1.8....
  5. some latest addition in the tank.... latest FTS.....
  6. bro... very long no update.....
  7. put back corals to my tank...... corals still havent fully open yet.... Latest FTS.... still look empty.....
  8. yea... tht's surprised me too.... i just couldnt believe 6 T5 tubes can raise the temp. to 33C.... now seriously want to install cut off system....
  9. actually... i'm currently using 4 x 54W ATI T5HO & 2 x 54W Giessemann T5HO = 6pcs T5HO tube........
  10. just did LR rescape... managed to catch these 2 hairy crab.... this how my tank look now after rescape..... when chiller up.... will start to put back corals.... just hard to believe.... it tooks me months with a lot of $$$$ investment and time to get full healthy reef tank..... but within 24hrs..... all turned to be a nightmare when the tank crash...... this is the last FTS before the tank crash...... now history jor......
  11. everything seems to be bad...... 50% corals wipe-out.....
  12. 50% of corals managed to survive & now in my fren tank..... Latest FTS....
  13. my tank crash.... chiller kaput & temp raised up to 33C....
  14. AIYO!!! MY TANK!! MY TANK!!! MY BAD DAY!!!!
  15. pls post your latest FTS lar bro! must be damn chun one....
  16. bro... your tank & your pic look great.....
  17. pardon me bro! me just feel too small if want to compare my tank to all others member tank here.....
  18. wah! very nice tank bro! no wonder we have to wait until 12 pages then only can see ur FTS..... thks for sharing your FTS.... anyway, how's your AT doing? it is taking pallet?.... just watch out this fellow... it just like a ich magnet......
  19. that is blasto bro!! rare I believe....
  20. this pics were taken from my fren reef tank..... his tank 7.5ft..... I luv his rhyzo garden.... FTS....
  21. some latest update.... UFO landed in my tank.... rhyzos collection.... Latest FTS....
  22. wah! now can see new additional rhyzo ha..... getting even better bro!
  23. ooooo.... that mean i know u lar???? hahahahaa yea... i hv personally view your tank when i was at your place before..... great & clean tank.... my thread also got... just search for it sure u can find.....
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