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Everything posted by mr_xxx

  1. bro.... JMHO.... u stocking up corals & fishes too fast in big quantity.... better to go slow otherwise u will have problem with bioload...
  2. very nice tank u got there bro! very nice healthy corals collection too..... luv it...
  3. your tank still look great bro!!
  4. supersun poison..... Latest FTS....
  5. same new pic from my tank....
  6. your photos getting nicer bro! what camera r u using?
  7. omg.... your pics kind of big torture to me......
  8. actually I'm from KL bro... there is one shop here selling this USA product.... I luv the color of this tube....
  9. thks bro!... here some of the new pic taken using macro mode... still learning on how to snap good & clear pic... red zoas.... pink zoas.... red acan.... white rhyzo... supersun... red lobo brain 1... red lobo brain 2... bi-color lobo brain... octopus...
  10. just another 2 more T5 tubes... 1 ATI Pro Color & 1 ATI Aquable Spezial... so now all 6 tubes are new tubes... here some pic taken after fixing the new tubes... pics taken using macro mode....
  11. sorry to hear abt your tank crash... i know how hard to take this kind of situation.... same think just happened to me recently.... it just like too fast... today you see your tank full with very nice & healthy corals & next day... most of it gone..... this is part of our learning proccess... happy reefing bro!!
  12. nice to see your zoas collection... very colourful.... now you got rhyzo in your tank too... just need to feed this guy with small piece of market prawn twice per week... dont over feed otherwise you could kill this very nice piece....
  13. thks.... to get this new look... it took me 2 days.... hahahhaa the tower collapse few times during the scapping or even after that... it is bcoz... i created many hollow area & tunnel under the LR for fishes to hide or sleep inside..... now this new rock scapping already stable.... my next plan is to add few sand anemone on the sandbed..... last week already added 2 & it seems be doing well in the tank...
  14. just changed 4 new tubes T5 on last weekend.... 1 pc - UV H2ology Super Actinic 1 pc - Giessemann Aquablue Plus 1 pc - Giesseman Actinic Plus 1 pc - ATI Aquablue Spezial... need to change another 2 more tubes & planning to go for ATI Pro Color & ATI Aquablue Spezial..... here is my latest FTS after I changed 4 tubes of new T5....
  15. very nice & healthy zoas collection.... wish i could hv the same....
  16. wow!! is it in your tank now??? very nice....
  17. quite sometime never take my fish pic... so here we go......... zoas also now already stable... i luv the colour....
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