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Everything posted by mr_xxx

  1. it looks better after the housekeeping done.....
  2. tht's really super nice zoas.... can only dream this zoas in my tank.......
  3. zoas... red acan... blastos.... rhyzo.....
  4. THE RETURN OF mr_xXx..... hand very itchy...... so, here some latest update.... brains..... lobo brain....
  5. very pack with corals tank but still stunning man!!!
  6. wow!!! superb zoas garden.....
  7. what brand of kalkwasser are you using??
  8. you got really nice tank there bro!!
  9. actually for lens.... it's up to individual perceptions.... maybe u like Sigma but it is your own opinion.... one thing i notice abt Sigma... the paint on the lens body will easily peel off......
  10. 3rd day water cycling.... now need to wait patiently for complete water recycle..... this how my curent sump look like.... cabinet internal compartment is 36" height... so my 27" beckett skimmer easily sitting inside there..... the current LR scapping... still following the last LR concept......dont know whether it is final or not.... if not lazy maybe will try to rescape again before start to put corals inside....
  11. once again thks all..... this hobby just like drugs.... once u in.... very difficult to turn back.... it just like addicted to it.... hahahahaha anyway, this hobby already in my blood.... so, decided to continue.... now cleaning up the sand & also LR...... after this going to rescape the LR...... dunno how it going to look like... yea.... i'm going to use back all my old equipment......
  12. thks all my frens here in sgreefclub..... i really feel touched by your care & concern..... now only i know, even some of you did not comment or reply anything in my thread but actually you all still check & open my thread.... thks again.... btw, that statement was actually half of the sentence.... the full sentence supposed to be like this.... "yesterday, i hv removed out my leaking tank & the cabinet too..... that's will be the end of my marine tank chapter..... however, i hv started a new chapter with my new tank....." here we go.... tarraaaaaaa..... overflow..... made from acrylic.... stay tuned for more update......
  13. yesterday, i hv removed out my leaking tank & the cabinet too..... that's will be the end of my marine tank chapter.....
  14. after looking at your coral collection.... maybe I need to cancel from retiring in this hobby.....
  15. thks all for ur encouragement... I will decide whether to stay in this hobby or not after I come back from holiday this weekend......
  16. thanks all for your concern.... even it's really heart pain.... i'm still thinking what to do next.....
  17. 15/7/09 is actually my birthday but it turned to be one of the worse day in my life..... my display tank leaks from the bottom today evening.... whole house flooded.... I hv removed all corals & fishes... already sent to my fren's place...... whole house now in the mess with saltwater.... looks like this could be my last day in this hobby.... feel really down & upset......
  18. just from experience.... low NO3 or PO4 doesnt mean that ur tank already matured.... it is bcoz ur tank still empty... I would suggest that you throw few pcs of market prawn in the tank... by doing this, you can see the effect & water cycling process will be faster.... then test your water.....
  19. zoas.... blasto mania..... Finally.... FTS.... Thks for viewing....
  20. currently, i'm using Tamron SP90 & happy with the pic..... maybe u can consider this lens...
  21. pls check ur Mg also.... try to increase ur Ca to 400 & ur KH to 9..... i saw certain corals did not open very well & could be stress too...... pls set ur chiller to 25C.... fishes will able to adopt the new temp..... lastly, go slowly in stocking up....
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