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Everything posted by mr_xxx

  1. u want to try?? mermaids will help the tank owner to trim the cheato, ensure to water flowing out properly & propeller working nicely.... u guys want some more??? but the only thing I scared if i post more nose bleeding mermaid pics, i will be banned from here.......
  2. if you keep these mermaids... then your tank will be self maintenance already.... and the best part, these mermaids will do the maintenance for the owner too.....
  3. can no problem...... give me ur address..... hehehehehehehe
  4. continue with Yumi..... these mermaid are professional..... very easy working with them.....
  5. my LS collection still the same & still doing well..... no new addition also..... so, nothing much to shoot & update.... decided to snap mermaid pics lar.... hope you guys like it...... Pls say hello to Peggy.... lovely Sonia.....
  6. wow!! that's really nice zoas collection lar.... i hate u for having tht kind of nice collection.... j/k j/k j/k
  7. nice tank bro... really nice....
  8. wow!!!... that's what i can say.... ~nose bleed lar~~~
  9. superb tank bro!!! when i grow up, i want tank like yours.......
  10. your zoas garden really super nice!!!!
  11. i'm feeding my tank twice per week with cyclopeeze.... so far, all seems to be OK... just do over feed & need to monitor the NO3 & PO4....
  12. brain + cynarina... finally my humble FTS.... nothing is want to compare to others.....
  13. supersun.... zoas garden...
  14. just some update.... no new corals.... all old stock only.... except this SPS frags from other reefers for testing... almost 2 months in my tank... still doing well, in fact can see some growth... rhyzos....
  15. tammy SP90 not fast enough to snap fish pic..... only suitable to take corals macro pics but need tripod... normally i will put my camera on tripod & use remote to snap... by doing that camera will not shake... for fish, I will use 50mm f1.8 or my 18-105mm.... set between f3 to f4 & use faster shutter speed.... adjust the ISO higher bcoz we using faster shutter speed... on camera focusing set on AF-C as the fish moving fast.....
  16. wah!... now u changing taste to wrasse already huh.....
  17. what i can say is only..... WOW!!!!!!! p/s - my nose bleeding.....
  18. wah! i can smell zoas garden in the making....
  19. i suspect it could be nudis the culprit... take out the zoas and deep in fresh water for 5 minutes... just monitor wether anything coming out from there or not....
  20. good mixture of colouration in your tank + healthy corals....
  21. actually i also love BT so much... but too bad... all 3 of then nipping on my fav. coral - brain & prata...... yea, my fren's BT also misbahaved by nipping to his zoas....
  22. they nipping on the brains...
  23. thks all.... actually i failed to keep prata & any other kind of brians earlier..... all will die within short time of period... however, when i got my new tank & without any fish inside the tank... i found that the brains are doing very well... but after i collected back all my fishes... then again, all brains did not open.... i monitor closely & found the culprit was 3 of my blue tang.... so, catch them out & now really can see the result... all brains open nicely.....
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