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Everything posted by dnsfpl

  1. using tap water and having reasonable growth of coralline algae based on my experience temp 28, NO3 less than 20ppm, plus iwarna topup should do the trick i do monthly water change, 15-20%
  2. hi bro i think it is likely due to to air intake just wash my skimmer and now the performance is good as new(by looking at the bubbles produced) cheers
  3. do some read up http://thediamonddictionary.blogspot.com/ ask your question http://www.pricescope.com/forum/rockytalky/ cheers
  4. if you are not into branded diamond only i can intro someone to you his pricing can match US online diamond dealer this diamond will cost at least 8k if purchased at branded boutique i got from him at 5.6k only cheers
  5. cf got tons less than $10 good luck to get it feeding cheers
  6. mouth still orange not full black both side normal bar not misbar with me coming 2 months healthy & feeding selling at $30, self collect at bp cheers
  7. i think something is wrong with my tank my boxing shrimp is dead, snails are still alive hopefully is due to ammonia spike and not other unknown cause will do a 50% water change and let it cycle for a week then test the water parameter
  8. i have the same problem will clean my skimmer pump this weekend hopefully it will improve its performance cheers
  9. believe or not find a picture with similar to clown and anemone, color print and water proof it place it near your clown, it might work good luck
  10. i guess its over, couldnt locate it today should be below the rocks btw did i make a wrong move by treating the water with API Fungus Cureā„¢ Powder? will it fight its way if left untreated? from my observation, the white dot nearly double its size and became a lot whiter that is when i decide to make a move no more golden angel for the time being RIP
  11. try to get the new model big difference in performance
  12. still available at $40 will try to trap it this coming weekend cheers
  13. tentatively reserved will update if buyer back out thanks for your interest
  14. if you are referring to those 5mm rounded snail i have hundreds of them, could even hit a thousand
  15. do you have a sump? reef octopus or bubble magus is good enough but if budget allows, get 1 with aquabee or better, ehiem pump
  16. my biggest mistake was not to treat it when i first notice the problem i took action when the situation(white dot) got bigger hopefully i am not too late will give it another 30 mins befuran bath tmr
  17. my golden went berserk and not eating in the morning caught it out and does a "befuran" bath for 30 mins things doesnt look good can only pray for the best
  18. currently dosing API Fungus Cureā„¢ Powder will soak pellet with Praziquantel if things doesnt improve, i will dose befuran thanks all
  19. can pm me more info how you do it? need to trap my peppermint hog thanks in advance
  20. manage to capture another video, this time i slow 8x http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6Hw71LHTEI
  21. currently infected with hole in the head disease want to widen the food source to improve nutrition cheers
  22. due to work schedule, i can only drop by during weekend hopefully some bro staying near me is going to cf this few days then i will pick up at his place at night at his convenience cheers
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