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Everything posted by dnsfpl

  1. livestock confirm 4" blue tang(eating but skinny) 4" tomini tang 1 filefish 4 x giant chromis all the 7 fish for $30 all caught, hope to clear by today as they are in pail cheers
  2. rescaping my tank today clearing all these fish must take all asap, best take now 4" blue tang(eating but skinny) 4" tomini tang 1 filefish 4 x giant chromis etc etc just offer me reasonable amount self collect at bukit panjang bring your own pail cheers
  3. price lowered to $80 with tunze magnet cheers
  4. FOC 5 x T5 blue tube price neg if self collect hope to clear ASAP cheers
  5. have another set for sale this 1 comes with pretty new tubes 2 ATI AquaBlue Special, less than 2 months old 1 ATI Actinic, app 6 months old 1 ATI Blue Plus, app 9 months old pm me your contact if interested cheers
  6. WYSIWYG good working condition, app 2 years old, ideal for 4-5 feet tank selling at $70, additional $30 with Tunze Magnet Holder 6080.50 self collect at bukit panjang, if no viewing/testing required can deliver to bp cck yewtee areas interested party pm me your contact cheers
  7. wow looks like there are tons of method to secure piping temporarily currently using white tape + sealant + black tape the other end supported by black sponge if it doesnt work, will try PVC glue thanks all for the input have a great weekend
  8. its not leaking now but will leak when i accidentally knock it have to apply force to stop the leaking the pipe is app 60 cm sump -> chiller -> skimmer ^--<--60 cm pipe--<--
  9. tried using white tape, but will have minor leak when i accidentally knock the pipe will black tape or silicon work? thanks
  10. http://www.aquacave.com/reef-octopus-ddnw-250-br-recirculating-protein-br-skimmer-10-diatwo-pumps-1015.html selling at $200 FOC delivery can be arrange viewing testing at bukit panjang cheers
  11. end cap must be look similar like the 1 below anyone selling or know where can i purchase it? thanks
  12. skimmer up, chiller up, but ammonia also up :(

    1. LaW


      bought what i told you to get? it will help. catch up soon.

    2. dnsfpl


      i tried ammonia zero given by larry, will get the stuff you recommend today


  13. pm you cos i owe u tub, return 1 person easier haha
  14. paiseh not near my hp thanks a million law, really paiseh thanks thairun, found what i need cheers
  15. all gone thanks all hope i did not offended anyone cheers
  16. take what you need and pay what you think its worth location at bukit panjang, time now til 9pm can only view from bags, all pack already interest parties pm me your contact please bring your own pail
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