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Everything posted by dnsfpl

  1. +1 what is his operating hours? will like to drop by when i go lck201 thanks
  2. not sure about mp10 but mp40 got gen1 and gen2 more info here http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1978160 you might need to upgrade the wet side too cheers
  3. correct me if i am wrong mp10 can only manually tune wave speed mp10es have different wave modes mp10wes, if you have more than 1 wave maker, can set master slave config for single, i will opt for mp10es as i find random flow important you got tell them is mp10 and not mp40? cheers
  4. should be mp10es est price of mp10wes should be $120
  5. http://ecotechmarine.com/parts-store/#all cheers
  6. if you intend to use mh(2 x 250mh and 2 x 54w T5 blue) you need at least arctica 1/3hp or better compressor chiller wavemaker 2 x mp40wes for sps, 1 x mp40wes + 1 or 2 tunze 6045/6065 for mix reef/fish only as for skimmer, i will choose deltec SC 2060 you can consider putting k1 media or biohome in sump cheers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0W1Et_8rJRk
  7. reserved pending collection this weekend
  8. ops sorry i overquoted as the pricing is based on my mp40 experience cheers
  9. previously, it was place under 250w MH, app 1.5 feet away now i place it 6 inch away from 4 x 54w T5 i will have to reposition it if it is due to too much lighting thanks
  10. dear sps guru my bn color looks similar to the "green text" color it is growing, but losing its luminous and green appearance what can i do to rectify this issue? thanks a million
  11. i really like this War does not determine who is right, it determines who is left
  12. motor is the most expensive, not controller anyway do not on it now let it dry, real dry try again 1-2 days later if really cant bring to iwarna to troubleshoot replacement should cost around $150
  13. water slipped to which part? motor? controller? adapter? pray hard is adapter fried
  14. no wonder she told me 1 week can grow 1-2 head i told her my duncan coming a month still no sign of extra head
  15. both are healthy, feeding with pellets and mysis shrimp delivery location can be discuss if no viewing is required $10 non refundable deposit is required unless i know you met too many pilot recently hope to find a good home asap as they are kept in my sump now cheers
  16. actually i waited for weeks liao auntie keep saying those on the main rock then ytd finally got a few piece attached to loose rock they have like 30-40 heads, i wonder if anyone notice them they really look like duncan lol
  17. yup they are indeed majano after some research if anyone happens to go to the LFS in front of ah beng please let the owner know all the while they are selling it as duncan coral lol and i know a number of reefer got from them already cheers
  18. there are tons in their DT, more than 30 heads its not ah beng, its the shop in front of ah beng cheers
  19. i have real duncan and i cant differentiate them to me they do look like green duncan that is why i believe the auntie and purchase them they look really nice, even the stem is green each head is app 2-3cm big, with green tentacles cheers
  20. WYSIWYG purchase from the shop in front of ah beng, 2 head for $25 the auntie and uncle told me is green duncan, but they are actually green majano anemone the size of each head is app 50 cents coin selling both for $25 prior to those who can self collect at bp delivery to bp cck yewtee areas can be arrange interested parties pm me your contact cheers
  21. http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=265952 i think the 2nd pix are majano anemone got it from the shop in front of ah beng, 2 head for $25 the auntie and uncle told me is green duncan they look so nice in their DT lol
  22. are these duncan coral? how come they look so different? thanks
  23. i purposely buy different size hoping they will pair up and yes, they swim together most of the time, in my sump i dont think they are paired now, give them a few more weeks that is why i state 2 x picasso clownfish instead of paired picasso clownfish cheers
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