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Everything posted by dnsfpl

  1. yellow wrasse...why you so difficult :(

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    2. Eniram


      my yellow wrasse is housed in a bare bikini bottom tank. So i guess it is all up to luck

    3. desideria


      yeah luck definitely plays a part, I have ZERO when it comes to powder series of tangs. :(

      good luck dnsfl for your hunt for a yellow wrasse.

    4. dnsfpl


      thanks all

      will grab my last 2 yellow wrasse for this tank

      have a great weekend

  2. high flow mid light should be okay coral has mood too, give it some time great to hear that the cloves are doing well how about the sunflower zoa? sorry for your orange bam bam polyps
  3. light & flow? my previous leather prefers mid/high light & flow
  4. unlike previously, it disappear when lights off i guess its main body has not move up completely hope it will return to its original position asap
  5. reposition some of the corals will take a FTS once they settle placed the prata at the lowest flow area it opens up real big, app 20 cm
  6. it is moving back to its original position
  7. my AT more than 3 months liao ich still come and go next tank either qt ich magnet or dont buy them at all haha
  8. tried both c328 or polyart, dont have only left 1 lfs opp TMC, ie NA(62556051) colourful moved to clementi liao havent try aquastar will give LFS a call thanks
  9. anyone spotted plastic tweezer? search high and low but all are stainless steel or wood material thanks
  10. recently increase my ca to 440 now increasing mg slowly never move my wave maker nor change tubes its not easy to reposition it as it is on my base rock that is the danger of keeping anemone
  11. 4 months ago til yesterday today if moved downwards fed with market prawn twice weekly, grew app 3 times bigger but today, it moved downwards any method i can use to lure it back to its original position? thanks a million
  12. oh ya feather duster, but like collonista & stomatella snails, not many fish consume them how many cleaner shrimp do you have?
  13. live stock trochus snail, cleaner shrimp naturally pods, collonista & stomatella snails, mysis shrimp looking at those that will spawn easily anymore to add? thanks
  14. looking for 6 tubes lightset or trade with my 4 tubes plus top up from my side pm me contact to discuss cheers
  15. ca & kh finally stable at 440 & 9 respectively but mg is doing down lol
  16. im really lucky, and extremely delighted my virgin prata, and my mum favorite i cannot judge its actual potential as i am using right from the start, with skimmer and LR not sure if bro FuEl did some experience thou, you might want to check with him cheers
  17. imagine a pair of pure black & white wonder what will be the price tag but like preparation for hungry ghost festival
  18. FOC corals sponsored by bro AhSiang surprise prata from him too extremely healthy, fully open the next lights on thanks a million again bro AhSiang
  19. CL-650 vs HC-300A vs DBE-200, all 1/4 based on my personal experience(without any mod) DBE-200 performs 2-3 times better than CL-650 HC-300A based on my friend, is pretty good too
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