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Everything posted by dnsfpl

  1. went a few already, but the smallest is the standard size one
  2. may i know where you purchased your dosing pump tube? called a few LFS all doesnt sell smaller than standard size air tube thanks
  3. hope im doing it right will update in a few months time
  4. 20-30% weekly water change is definitely not lazy this is what those skimerless reefer in nano-reef forum does some are sps dominant thank
  5. thanks all for sharing will use my current monti to see the success rate have a great weekend
  6. believe or not my yellow flasher MIA more than a month ago came out today morning, real skinny and tail broken to make things worst, my mystery wrasse keep chasing it, thinking it is a new addition the current situation doesnt look good for my yellow flasher good luck to you bro
  7. for 10mm glass, old is okay as i need the magnet for some DIY only dealing at north or west preferred thanks
  8. in comparison which monti are more hardy and requires less light? brown? green? thanks
  9. anyone tried keeping monti on tank wall? how do you do it? any pix? what are the pros & cons thanks
  10. base on my experience ebili, bicolor, singapore nip on zoa CB, flame, midnight golden are okay
  11. thanks all intend to upgrade to a simple ios tank with 3 partition for my office shrimp tank
  12. thanks again there is the most value for $ ah? on budget lar haha
  13. 3 Kelantan Road, (S)208601 Tel: 62940531 are you refering to this coy? thanks
  14. self carry no issue roughly how much? intend to make 1 for my office tank, with 3 partition
  15. anyone know the estimate cost for building such tank? any tank maker to intro? thanks
  16. arofanatics giving away free tickets http://www.arofanatics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=462639 anyone got other lobang?
  17. based on my experience ikea timer is not suitable for device more than 50w
  18. mine used to rest for 4 hour, now 3.5 hour kick in duration increase from 1 hour to 1.5 hour
  19. diy a frag rack using magnet cleaner, egg crate & cable tie for my green prata its a lot easier to target feed it now
  20. sold to a steady bro thanks for your interest
  21. not for me, all my 3 bubble from different tank, did not do well compared to other coral gonio is another coral i cant keep GSP, cloves and zoa are easiest
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