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Everything posted by dnsfpl

  1. same danger as coral beauty, midnight & flame or worst? thanks
  2. currently, i have coral beauty, midnight & flame angel in my 3x2x2 feet tank planning to add a singapore angel in anyone has experience keeping them? how reef safe is it? it might not take prepared food right? thanks
  3. what happen to the auto resize picture function in SRC? it will auto fit the pix to certain dimension, iirc 700 pixel width can we have the control back? thanks
  4. shall go this weekend see see look look thanks bro
  5. open for trade with wave maker, royal gramma etc etc top up by either side can be discuss cheers
  6. alamak, shall give it 2 months, then decide whether to get another 1 thanks for the info
  7. i guess a little rust wouldn't do much harm
  8. decide to stick to 1 purple queen right now swimming happily in the open how long does she takes to morph into male form? thanks
  9. the chasing stops after an hour the yellow tang indeed shows who is the boss of the tank thanks all
  10. not at the moment as i just got my coral beauty & midnight angel thanks for the offer
  11. got myself a coral beauty & midnight from coral farm my yellow tang got berserk, keep chasing all the fish hopefully all can stay together peacefully
  12. yup midnight angel - http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_di...&pcatid=434 went LCK201 a few times for royal gramma, injured pieces left...
  13. morning bros please report any sighting of midnight & coral beauty angels and also royal gramma in advance
  14. got it from GO at $70, selling at $49 only non neg open to trade with wave maker, fishes etc etc cheers
  15. thanks bro...anyone knows which LFS selling both species? plan to intro both together to reduce aggression cheers
  16. zoa not included in the the $49 offer... hammer is 100% healthy and very beautiful, view to appreciate cheers
  17. bro if you are interested i can help you collect and pass it to you but base on these 2 conditions he is selling me his royal gramma pair he decide to give the FOC to either me or you cheers
  18. alamak no wonder...thanks for the info if that is the case, i will keep it if there are no interested parties cheers
  19. got myself 2 cynarina from GO recently first week opening nicely but suddenly all thanks to my flame once bitten twice shy
  20. i am afraid the newly intro dwarf angel might nip it rather than risking, i must as well sell to someone who appreciate its beauty and of course to fund for my new fish
  21. looking for dwarf angels, budget < $50 per piece coral beauty & midnight etc etc etc no flame as i already have 1 in my tank pm me species, price and dealing location thanks for viewing
  22. final price for anchor hammer $49 my lost is your gain, got it from GO at $70 hope to clear asap so that i can shop for my dwarf angels thanks
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