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Everything posted by dnsfpl

  1. $5, best can self collect at bp delivery can be arrange at both our convenience pic for reference only, not my starfish
  2. intend to keep fish not suitable in my reef tank a little semi aggressive like gold stripe maroon clownfish bicolor dottyback six line wrasse need more opinion any nice damsel to recommend? thanks all
  3. 2x1x1.5(H) fowlr tank 3kg of BioHome media, 1" sand bed, 1 large live rock RedSea Prizm PRO skimmer, 36w PL light, 4 hours a day NO3 30ppm, pH 8.1, salinity 1.023, temp 26-27 degree celsius need suggestion on livestock, confirm livestock 1 x gold stripe maroon clownfish 2 x turbo snail 2 x nassarius snail can anyone recommend me another 3-4 uncommon/cheap/hardy fish? give up on keeping lionfish intend to keep this setup as low maintenance as possible water change 10% monthly using NSW thank you
  4. in reefing for almost 2 years liao, never go sealife before heard that parking is really bad, that deter me from going
  5. must have really sharp eyes to spot them lol good luck
  6. those look luminous is it as hardy as normal cloves? as fast growing too? likely to cost 5 to 10 times more than normal cloves? very beautiful
  7. oh so its the same size, just that its pic is better thanks for the info everyone cheers
  8. thanks for the info i think mine is the mini type the bigger type look a lot nicer
  9. look like mini cloves, grow like GSP, but no "skin" anyone can ID? should be soft coral right? thanks
  10. hi bro i am not blaming the LFS, or seeking for refunds trying to find the root issue of my office thank cheers
  11. here is a pic of my green mushroom interested to trade? cheers
  12. what went wrong? previously my volitan was infected with cloudy eyes and dead waited for almost a month before introducing some dwarf lions now, 2 weeks later, 1 of them infected with cloudy eyes fed them twice a week, with 2-3 live freshwater ghost shrimp any thing wrong with my tank? or is plainly fish in poor health condition? snails, starfish etc etc are doing fine, surviving well 2 x 1 x 1.5(H) feet tank water parameter ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 30 temperature 26 degree celsius ph 8.1 salinity 1.023 thanks
  13. looking for common/normal mushroom for my fowlr tank buy or trade(green mushroom) thanks for viewing
  14. tmr cannot, friday will be good self collect under my block from 7pm - 9pm interested pm me your hp no
  15. used for app a year self collect at bukit panjang at my convenience cheers
  16. wah power 2 of them big size lei
  17. overpowered equipment is definately better in terms of performance over overpowered might consume more electricity as performance reaches the bottle neck cheers
  18. used arctica 1/2 hp, super noisy and super hot air 20 mins to chill my 322tank + 321sump from 27.4 to 26.6 100 mins rest change to arctica 1/3 hp, super quiet, and a lot lesser hot air 40 mins to chill my 322tank + 321sump from 27.3 to 26.7 80 mins rest poorer performance of 1/3 could be due to recent hot weather i think you should go for 1hp at least
  19. wow amazing collection what are the odds of them eating each other? they are able to consume fish equal to its size right?
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