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Everything posted by dnsfpl

  1. thanks for the info giving it away FOC to anyone who is interested cheers
  2. if you want it to look fat, you can try to feed seaweed more often mine too more than a year to look fat back to square 1 if i reduce seaweed frequency cheers
  3. is this a clam, oyster, mussel or something? will close when i take out of water will it harm my tank? must i remove it? thanks
  4. but i going 1pm lei maybe i drop by on friday thanks for the lead
  5. decide to add a peppermint hogfish instead of another angel finally swimming out in the open after 3 days cheers
  6. true also haha you going later? can update fish availability? might go tmr thanks
  7. 130pm walk 1 round have to go liao :s
  8. feels like dropping by today during lunch it wasn't open the last time i went thanks
  9. noted thankfully its my last fish furthermore i dont intend to add any wrasse cheers
  10. added a wrasse lookalike in my home reef tank, peppermint hogfish still planning my office wrasse tank
  11. black color? size? henry power thanks
  12. please share your equipments and tank maintenance if you manage to keep them alive always wanted a nano with lots of fish, but never dare to try
  13. wah $1 per piece, super expensive meal lol you can consider LCK2-1 SW feeder, $2 per pack kept my ghost shrimp in a salt bucket 1/2 filled with water use a bubble filter with biohome as filtration everyday 1-2 casualty a $1 can last at least 2 weeks
  14. air con room, this is an office tank previously the temperature was 24 degree i think the hang on skimmer produce heat cheers
  15. yo bro where do you get your chromis? and how much? how do you keep them alive? i started with 12 and end up with 2 in my reef tank i gut load the ghost shrimp with Formula Two Pellet trying the net feeding method but if the froggy miss, will have to use the chopstick to guide the shrimps to the froggy mouth quite fun but sometimes tiring as my sump has space constraint i feed once every 2 days thanks for the tips Synanceia
  16. thats great cos i hear stories of color changing btw any tips in feeding froggy they are super lazy, prey move away they ignore liao must spoon feed it, keeping 2 will require even more patient
  17. imo $15 for a feeding bicolor is worth it cheers
  18. wow very nice collection you have there intend to get 1 pure black to accompany my wartskin does the blackie stay black forever? some will change colour right? thanks
  19. imo dont waste money on hang on skimmer they are meant for nano or sumpless setup even MCE600 might not sustain your bioload
  20. correct me if i am wrong white is the best for coral blue is for coral and viewing actinic is purely for viewing pleasure my 4 tube setting: 2 x aquablue special, 1 x blue plus, 1 x actinic if i have 6: 3 x aquablue special, 2 x blue plus, 1 x actinic(viewing) use to have purple tube, not much use imo and yes i am an ATI fan cheers
  21. i think i found what i want, a wrasse tank how many can i keep in a 2x1x1.5(H) feet tank? will they fight each other like angels and clowns? thanks again
  22. not sure what i want but these species are out Angels Anglers/Frogfish Anthias Butterflyfish Dragonets Eels Lionfish/Scorpions Pipefish/Seahorses Tangs interested in wrasse, but i have no experience is six line a good choice? i really love gold stripe maroon clownfish, like the red and yellow combination intend to add a Banded Coral Shrimp as scavenger. thanks
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