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Everything posted by dnsfpl

  1. thank goodness, i couldn't bear removing the CBS its really cute to look at
  2. When I first started reefing, I use Tropic Marine for my nano tank Find it expensive for my 3x2x2, changed to Coralife LFS cut supply on Coralife, move to Oceanic Planning to change to Reef Crystals, as Reef Central users are giving good review Where can I buy Reef Crystals salt? And how much per bag/pail? Sorry for the long grandmother story... BTW Anyone reason why Marine Environment is more popular here?
  3. remember to calibrate your refractometer
  4. sorry for your lost, better luck next time buying fish from lfs is always risky my black clowns doesn't look stable too hopefully they can pull through happy reefing
  5. any update on your colini and golden? trying to snap pix but its really shy
  6. when purchased, both of them are pretty aggressive in the bag after introducing to the tank, the aggression is greatly reduced i dont think is the golden angel the only possible culprit other than the other clown is the CBS thankfully both are eating and swimming well hopefully it will recover asap thanks
  7. manage to capture a better shot is this good enough to deduce the cause? thanks
  8. 1 of my clown's tail has been bitten off boxing shrimp master piece or pairing aggression? tankmate: 1 golden angel, 2 black clown, 1 boxing shrimp, 1 turbo snail, 3 nassarius Snail who is the culprit?
  9. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1158122
  10. based on my experience, hammer frogspawn & octo will not sting each other but torch will i guess torch is 50 50
  11. dear bro jacky agree on your point but i feel that LFS livestock will indirectly be affected if NSW is really the root issue after all, they are using 100% NSW any bro bought livestock recently and die of unknown cause?
  12. i will definitely stop using NSW for the time being if NSW is the root issue, wouldn't livestock in that LFS die too? take a look at their tank, and observe the fish behavior
  13. luminous GSP should look something like my avatar right?
  14. bought a pair of black clown instead will definitely get myself a red clown if opportunity arise
  15. the success rate will greatly improve with a proper mature setup notice my golden only swim away from direct light(pl 36w) i guess tank mate and lighting will affect their behavior cheers
  16. my golden seems braver after adding a pair of 1" black clown hope i did the right thing sorry for your lost RIP
  17. got myself a RG pair from lck201 1 of them died after 3 month maybe they divorced
  18. my first golden was from cf doing well for a month plus died maybe due to stress from other angel their fish are indeed healthier i think there are quite a lot of success stories with golden that is the reason why i give a 2nd try currently it only kiss the glass added a pair of black clown hope all 3 will make it cheers
  19. shop in front of ah beng selling black clown at good price bought a pair to accompany my golden angel non were misbar thou
  20. nice write up this is my 2nd attempt keeping golden first 1 died after a month hope our golden can survive cheers
  21. may i know how much you paid for your colini? thanks
  22. chose the 2nd most "golden" as the most "golden" tail was broken size app 1.5", fed with pounded ON 1 & 2, frozen cyclop eeze eating or not i cannot tell it always disappear when i approach, can only peep from afar will get some BBS soon, hopefully it is doing fine thanks for the info jacky
  23. finding suitable tankmates for my golden angel currently i have a turbo snail, 3 nassarius snails and a boxing shrimp will Red Ocellaris Clownfish fit in? this will be my final stock list thanks ps if i had read your colini angel thread, would have bought the mini golden instead as the survival rate is higher
  24. anyone has experience keeping Red Ocellaris Clownfish? is its behavior similar to common Ocellaris Clownfish? can it be consider as very peaceful fish? intend to keep a pair in my 2 feet tank once my golden angel is stabled. and where can i buy it? seldom see it in lfs give up on yellow strip maroon clown, not gonna take risk thanks a million
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