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Everything posted by dnsfpl

  1. previous 3 footer ATI Blue Plus ATI Aquablue Special ATI Aquablue Special ATI Blue Plus current 4 footer ATI Aquablue Special ATI Blue Plus ATI Aquablue Special ATI Blue Plus ATI Actinic is great for viewing pleasure, makes coral glow imo purple/pink/red tubes color normally last less than 6 months that is why i stop using them
  2. happy new year reefers no glue, just stack
  3. care to share which mtr and directions? went hk few times but miss the good stuff
  4. thanks for the info what is the best way to up KH? cheers
  5. found what i need really appreciate your kind gesture bro have a good rest
  6. 2" female yellowish orange 1" male very orange both for $10 self collect at bukit panjang interested party pm me your contact cheers
  7. my previous true octo never extend out so much
  8. sign of inadequate lighting? using 2 tube retrofit set 1 x ATI AquaBlue Special T5HO 54W 1 x ATI Blue Plus T5HO 54W placement: middle of tank, random flow low-mid thanks
  9. ideal for fowlr tank all tubes are app 9 months old self collect at bp interested parties pm me your contact cheers
  10. looking for 10-20 polyps, pink face pm me location, price and pix non exotic please thanks
  11. sorry bro my tank is EMPTY now can trade with $ instead? any pix? cheers
  12. dear zoa bro can recommend me some pink face zoa? best with pix and est price for 10 polyps no exotic zoa please, pocket not deep enough thanks a million
  13. if 12 red really good price will drop by and check out the current pricing thanks all happy boxing day
  14. any idea how pieces of AT are there at lck201? size and price? thanks
  15. $700: tank leak, decom, thus selling at lower price $750: running in tank, therefore no more discount $850: started stocking, if can sell i go fowlr pple reduce price because they need to sell it asap as for me, different story anyway its still more than 50% cheaper than brand new set cheers
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