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Everything posted by dnsfpl

  1. do i stop when it changes colour or to yellow? changes colour 8 drops to yellow 10 drops is my KH 8 or 10? ideal KH is 9? thanks
  2. mine accept prepared food pretty soon iirc i introduce after flame, midnight and coral beauty healthy specimen and luck is all you need
  3. i have yet to do any major since setup, only 20-30l weekly my NO3 is near undetectable will do a 100l this weekend thanks all, really hope it will be ick free asap the spot makes it look unsightly
  4. for the past few days, my AT is infected with white spot, on and off, 70% of the time its fat, feeding(mysis and red bamboo algae) and swimming normally but at times, it will dash from left to right anyway to resolve this problem? tankmate 2 flasher wrasse, 2 clownfish 3 snail, 4 cleaner shrimp thanks a million
  5. coming a month, my AT got ick on and off, 70% on lol thank god its still swimming and eating well hope it will stable down soon
  6. 1 of my fav, butterfly looking angel but sadly its not reef friendly
  7. WYSIWYG, condition 9/10 selling at $100, prior to those who can self collect at bp delivery to bp cck yewtee can be arrange if no testing is required interested parties pm me your contact cheers
  8. both are equally good and more importantly, both are willing to share your experience cheers
  9. thanks again lemon, you are no doubt the fish guru my gf fall in love with bandit but was shock after i told her price even shocker after i told the survival rate lol wish to try but unlikely now, maybe when i am ready...to spend thanks again and have a great weekend
  10. anyone guilty of the statement above? fall in love with helfrichi firefish but imo purple firefish is as beautiful thinking for 2 weeks already but couldnt bear to spend so much on this fish ps not saying cheap fish are not beautiful okay, if flame me means you guilty
  11. more like misbar bandit lol anyone care to share his experience of keeping bandit? whats the survival rate and how reef safe are they? thanks
  12. can anyone sell me a frag of pulsing xenia please? thanks a million
  13. giving away half the potion, great food source of tangs self collect at bukit panjang this sat jan 15 12-2pm pm me your contact if interested cheers
  14. or trade with my 2 x 54w 4 Feet T5 Retrofit Lightset plus top up from my side pm me condition, price and location thanks
  15. anyone selling or interested to trade with my 1260 + topup from my side? pm me to discuss cheers
  16. imo its better to have at least 3 white tubes 2 blue, 1 actinic blue, 2 purple/red
  17. alamak im too slow btw can copperband keep with RBTA? since they feed on anemone
  18. thanks for the detailed explanation lemon based on wiki In biology, any group of fish that stay together for social reasons are said to be shoaling, and if, in addition, the group is swimming in the same direction in a coordinated manner, they are said to be schooling. it is impossible for fish to school in a small aquarium that is why i am searching for shoaling fish, group that stay together most of the time if i keep 3 male mccoskeri, will they stay in group? is it better to keep P. carpenteri, P. flavianalis and P. mccoskeri, 1 each instead? thanks again
  19. trade done thanks for your interest cheers
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