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Everything posted by dnsfpl

  1. serious? care to pm me the LFS?
  2. it will be another challenge to catch the fire goby out learn my mistake with peppermint hogfish already lol
  3. ops sorry despite the chasing, the bartlett manage to grab some mysis hopefully this will end asap i think my helfrichi plan is ruin, dont think it can tahan the stress
  4. added 2 bartlett only, hopefully enough to make my AT blur lol not easy to catch AT, furthermore got white spot who will buy btw may i know where did you purchase your bartlett and how much per piece? thanks
  5. my AT finally fully recover from white spot but this cat & dog chasing has make it come back again when will this chasing stop thanks
  6. 2 tubes set, 2 set available, both in excellent condition 1 for $100, both for $180 viewing at bukit panjang delivery to cck bp yewtee area can be arrange if no viewing is required pm me your contact if interested cheers
  7. iirc 10 empty boxes can exchange for 1 free box not sure if the offer stands now self collect at bp pm me your contact if interested cheers
  8. assuming all are feeding 1. 1 cube, once a day 2. 1 cube, 2-3 times a day 3. 2 cubes, 2-3 times a day 4. 2 cubes, 3-4 times a day you can consider added seaweed too cheers
  9. $38 seems reasonable cheapest also around $30-35 right, at pasir ris any cheaper lobang?
  10. hi bro saw this too, at CF? too bad i purchased my yellow fin liao if not i sure grab this piece cheers
  11. thanks bro bot your AT liao? lck selling from $160, depending on size cheers
  12. are you selling? anyone knows the selling price at cf? thanks
  13. you need a fat healthy specimen so that it can "suffer" through the initial phrase a matured tank with good water parameter and natural source of food, eg algae, pods, will greatly increase your success rate my golden angel only nip on rocks for weeks, then after start taking pellets cheers
  14. pm me your contact if you have 2 for sale cheers
  15. your female flame looks like fox face hybrid
  16. a few bro, including me, got from LCK few weeks ago starting taking prepared food pretty soon but mine on and off got ich problem good luck as for pricing at CF, i dunno, sorry
  17. ya i saw you before but chop chop furthermore so dark that night lol CF also has a few yellow fin flasher spotted AT at both CF & LCK, iirc 2 piece each happy reefing
  18. if you are with a friend... me black tshirt army shorts, was there for 10 mins haha paiseh never say hi to you always bother you in cyberworld lol
  19. will definitely look for you 2 years later haha btw thanks for the kind offer
  20. nice monti, i love them too hope to do a monti tank for my next project
  21. in that case i no need to dose NaHCO3 liao thanks bro
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