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Everything posted by dnsfpl

  1. you need a more powerful chiller if your kick in time is more than your resting time
  2. wow thats cheap, $3-4 for delivery may i know where? thanks
  3. WYSIWYG selling app 20 head of red blasto, on app 10cm rock for $40 self collect at bukit panjang interested parties pm me your contact, FCFS cheers
  4. sorry i do not have experience with wavebox
  5. 1260 is good enough you might encounter 1-2 dead spot when using 1 mp40 i am planning to add another 6045 but afraid some of my lps might not like it
  6. i use 1264 for return, 1262 to feed my 1/3 chiller
  7. place a mat below the pump use a bit(1/2 feet) of soft hose instead of all hard piping
  8. did a test just now ca 420, kh 9 no mg test kit
  9. api too imo easier to use and easier to see
  10. the correct reading should be turn to yellow and not turn colour(blue green) based on different test kit cheers
  11. before water change ca 390, mg 1250, kh 8 4 days after water change ca 420, mg 1350, kh 9 i deduce the regime based on these result i have kh test kit, will buy ca test kit
  12. have decided to dose 1 spoonful of Mg on sat and 1 spoonful of Ca on sun hope this regime will serve me well
  13. my ca & mg is low, all the while want to see the implication of, possible, overdosing as i am preparing to dose, without testing sorry for the confusion
  14. initially i thought dosing NaHCO3 + iwarna topup should be sufficient maintaining a healthy reef is never easy maybe is time to purchase or DIY a dosing pump lol
  15. what mg test kit will you recommend? i have trouble using salifert
  16. my kh is stable, between 8 & 9, but dropping fast previously i dose once a week, 2 spoonful now i have to dose 2-3 times my ca & mg kinda low now intend to raise it, with the easiest possible safe method i hope my kh will stabilize by increasing ca & mg
  17. im planning to dose CaCl & MgCl2, once a week, without a test kit anyone tried mixing CaCl & MgCl2 and dissolve with treated tap water together? will it cause any chemical reaction? trying to make life easier for lazy reefer like me lol
  18. what will happen if i have high Ca(550) & Mg(1700)? any ill effects to my corals and fish? thanks
  19. reserved by a steady bro thanks for your interest
  20. WYSIWYG, comes with 2 individual reflector and an extra ATI aquablue special white tube cheers
  21. any easy method to check for electricity leakage? i dont have a voltmeter
  22. i cannot see as they are hidden deep within the rock work hope nothing is wrong with them i just lost 2 barlett last week
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