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Everything posted by dnsfpl

  1. currently reserved will contact the next in the queue if buyer back out thanks for your interest
  2. WYSIWYG selling all 5(yellow, green, blue with pink spots, orange, multi) for $150 all sized larger than 50 cents coin, no separate sales self collect at bukit panjang interested parties pm me your contact if possible, bring along a container please thanks for supporting
  3. night you cant see ma haha anyway my AT has the same issue give up liao, take it as pattern lol
  4. will prata & gsp sting each other? thanks
  5. no lar not joining or what just my 1 cent chills
  6. the poor can never understand how the rich think the rich can never understand how the poor feel and to make matter worse, singaporean are selfish singapore has lost to singaporean
  7. thanks for the drawing bro cheers
  8. price lower to $30 will frag if still no confirm buyer by this weekend cheers
  9. what trap will you suggest? thanks
  10. very nice sunflower zoa at last pix bottom right
  11. i notice all my yellow wrasse sleep at the bottom left hand corner that is why i suspect hitchhiker predator
  12. btw its 5 death over the a period of 2 months
  13. from 3 different batch cant determine the external wound are cause by predator or cleaner shrimp as they are happily munching on it already i feed seaweed, frozen mysis and ON formula 1 & 2 pellet i doubt its the food source as other fish has no issue
  14. 5 yellow wrasse KOed in my tank what puzzled me most was they were feeding hours ago and dead the next moment, no struggling nor last breath no obvious sign of serious injury any tell tale sign of hitchhiker predator? thanks
  15. using this too, from daiso, so far so good you can break additional parts, and leave 2-3mm gap, to counter the narrow gaps im more concern about the coraline growth it covers the gap totally cheers
  16. selling more than 30 heads of green candy cane, from GO, for $40 WYSIWYG self collect at bukit panjang interested parties pm me your contact if possible, bring along a container please thanks for supporting
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKlE2ZyPXPA
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