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Everything posted by dnsfpl

  1. i mix 5 spoon full of NaHCO3 with 1l of distilled water(left bottle) CaCl with 1l of distilled water(mid bottle) MgCl2 with 1l of distilled water(right bottle) was good after mixing, but turn "gassy"(left bottle), yellowish with detritus(mid bottle) after a few days thanks all
  2. you mean ca & mg can dose together but kh should dose at least 1 hour apart? thanks
  3. another month has passed, its growth rate looks good, and better colour too
  4. why is my kh solution "gassy"? why is my ca solution yellowish, with detritus? should i be concern? any negative effect if i dose all 3 back to back? thanks in advance for your input
  5. called henry, no stock, tmr coming in thanks bro
  6. ya lor boss got lobang for FOC tix for this aquarama or not?
  7. really amazing but its definitely too tough for me lol thanks for sharing
  8. will settle with this if i cant find tropic marin thanks for the lead
  9. you mean this? http://www.jirehmarine.com/front/index.php?page=shop.product_details&product_id=587&flypage=flypage.tpl&pop=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=68 thanks bro
  10. anyone selling or know where can i buy it? thanks all
  11. why not use 1262 and T off to equipment? skimmer? FR? sorry im die hard eheim fan lol
  12. im experimenting first will glue the actual frag on tank wall cheers
  13. the product i need(Tropic Marin Pro-Coral Iodine- 50ml) is out of stock order closed sorry all
  14. planning to get something from Madpetz? i need another $50 to enjoy the FOC delivery prior to those who can self collect at bp delivery to bp cck yewtee can be arrange pm your contact to discuss $10 non refundable deposit is required unless i know you cheers
  15. yours look too pro liao lar i just wait for it to cover up with coraline haha
  16. acro, monti, stylo, mille the last 1 look like sunset mille nice specimen you have there i hope i got them right haha
  17. looking for 6 tubes light set or trade with my 4 tubes plus top up from my side please pm me your contact to discuss happy holidays
  18. seriously putting 5 fish in betta box will do more harm than good and its definitely not an easy task for me
  19. purchased different time from different lfs longest survival was 2 weeks iirc tried placing the trap on 2 different occasion manage to catch bristle worm only side note: my MIA yellow flasher came out after more than a month, real skinny and tail broken i believe it would have died if there is hitchhiker predator currently its out during feed only, but every time it come out the cleaner wrasse will "clean" it and worse, mystery wrasse will chase it the worst is, my black female clown will nip it hope it can pull through
  20. problem solve, i use white tape thanks all
  21. may i know where you purchase your silicon tubing? C328 close today. thanks
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