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Everything posted by dnsfpl

  1. saw it in a hole, jab it with chopstick will try to siphon it out later in the evening thanks
  2. are these molting or dead crab remains? thanks
  3. congrats bro always wanted to try...but til today also no guts haha
  4. @allan: thanks, still noob in sps, need the shifu here to help @vinc: is blue color sps easy to maintain its coloration? no PBT & FA, maybe banana or yellow wrasse cheers
  5. cheap cheap $15 only...endure a month for not buying anything for my tank haha any suggestion what i can do to make my tank look more "lively"? planning to add some yellow, maybe yellow wrasse & yellow birdnest and some orange mushroom cheers
  6. finally purchase a small orange plate after enduring for almost a month lol
  7. Bubbleking 250 royal exclusive skimmer internal or external?
  8. length 2 feet width 1.5-2 feet height 1 feet sorry for the confusion
  9. pm me condition location and price thanks
  10. if your water volume is larger than 100g, performance is similar but more frequent kick in tested with my 4 footer same compartment, lights off, kick in time 40 mins, rest 70 mins different compartment, lights off, kick in time 60 mins, rest 120mins you will notice more frequent kick in when lights on HTH cheers
  11. nicely done is your chiller in out at the same compartment?
  12. congrats my black clown shows similar sign for months but no eggs yet
  13. lck201 msia shipment coming in few weeks time http://www.triofisheries.com/gellery.php?pageNum_gallery=3&totalRows_gallery=107
  14. backside kana kiss...:(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. xaine


      install a LED panel that will scroll "keep off my ######"

    3. dnsfpl


      my friend crv got "all round" 1 feet sensor...quite annoying, esp when motor zoom pass you

    4. TayHongSiang


      next time u take the $$$ and keep it. Then go online to learn how to repair yr bumper and DIY for free...if its a slight bump, very easy to knock it back to shape

  15. left reef tank 0, middle tap water 0.5, right arowana tank 1 using tap water + api stress coat for water change looks like vodka indeed helps in controlling po4 cheers
  16. brand new, sealed, unopened, expire oct 2012 selling at $10 only, self collect at bukit panjang interested parties pm me your contact cheers
  17. sold thanks for your interest
  18. wow thanks for sharing very brave of you
  19. i beg to differ unless they are taking prepared food they do better in big tank, with tons of LR furthermore, i notice most of difficult fish tend to feed on live food initially keeping a mandarin will greatly reduce the food source thus reducing their(newly added difficult fish) survival rate this is why i will never keep a mandarin just sharing my experience cheers
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