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Everything posted by dnsfpl

  1. still available, good for FR, flow rate 1300l/h cheers
  2. my final fish, venustus or hybrid flame?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. dnsfpl


      to me, both are equally nice, that explain the dilemma

    3. TayHongSiang


      go for it bro! i dun forsee any more batches of Venustus after this for a long time to come bcoz they require divers to go deep to catch them

    4. yikai


      venustus are very common. it's just seasonal. and they are not terribly deep...

  3. comes with 4 individual reflectors for better light output 2 AquaBlueSpecial, 2 BluePlus(app 6 months old) 2 power cords for better time management excellent working condition selling at $200 or best offer best to view at bukit panjang before committing interested parties pm contact to discuss thanks for viewing
  4. hi bro sold thanks for your interest
  5. bought yesterday from c328 at $14 tested with tap water, find it too strong selling at $10, comes with everything including box and manual prior to those who can self collect at bukit panjang delivery to bp cck yewtee areas can be arrange interested party pm me your contact thanks
  6. @poomoon thanks @AhSiang thanks but no thanks...1 enough headache liao @desideria dont wait, go to lck201 now @vinccc2009 depends on the fish, saw before size as small as 2" with nice teardrop
  7. initially, the tip is small, app 2mm now is getting bigger, app 5mm thanks for the prompt response
  8. buying Brand New ATI Actinic 54W can also trade my Brand New ATI AquaBlue Special 54W or Brand New ATI Blue Plus 54W interested parties pm contact to discuss cheers
  9. in fact, given the same fish, reef safe in my tank does not mean reef safe in your tank
  10. hi bro someone from arofanatics gave me 4 x 2.5l bottle cheers
  11. hi bro should be able to spot new petals in few weeks time hope you like the frag cheers
  12. most importantly they are generally hardy getting 1 is tough, getting the right 1(the coloration you like) is 10x tougher
  13. 2 frag back for sale, buyer mia 1 frag reserved cheers
  14. 4th row 2nd last pic i just love the "mango" color
  15. 1 frag collect 1 frag reserved 2 frag left cheers
  16. pix of actual frag, left 4 to choose from thanks to all the bro who supported my sales have a great weekend
  17. thanks bro hope yours are doing well cheers
  18. hi bro long gone sorry for not updating thanks for your interest
  19. my return pump is 1264 outsump and im using another 1264, insump, to feed my chiller dont have this "water deplete" issue
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