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Everything posted by dnsfpl

  1. congrats to ur conspic u really deep pocket change anything also fast n furious i think think think also havent buy lol
  2. reminds me of FW parrot fish pple chop away their tail to increase their value bad karma
  3. there is 1 more lfs at 161 neo tiew road, uncle bac those, like me, who are afraid of dogs, DON'T GO as i mention, see function, make right turn(RT)
  4. @digiman is that masked angel? it makes the pair of bandit look so "cheapo"
  5. from lck201 right straight down(towards "bak" marine direction) see any junction make a right turn, total right 5 turns you will reach CF in less than 10 mins
  6. depends how you position your wm i use 1 tunze 6045 for my previous 3 footer, return pump eheim 1262
  7. old pix, rock & sand not included
  8. imo must have: no3 kh good to have: ca po4pen phpen i never measure mg
  9. there is no best place, every LFS has their die hard fans for coral, GO has the most variety as for LS, depends on shipment i go LCK201 cos its most convenient for me
  10. jack of all trades and yet cheaper price? the best place is our pasarmalam
  11. wow major revamp? camping for pix
  12. touch it with a satay stick if it retract all the way into the rock, most likely is
  13. i dont have RX, can use lugols solution instead? 1 drop to how many ml of tank water? thanks all
  14. +1 for you both, but Johan got to wait til tmr as i can only +1 a day sharing is caring cheers everybody
  15. @Killerwhale viewing/collection at bukit panjang, bangkit road interested pm me your contact please bring along a container/small pail @limsc thanks bro cheers
  16. months ago lck came in 3-5 went next day, to see only, all gone
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