this is how i determine my dosing
1) measure daily evaporation(eg 1000ml) & water parameter(eg water parameter kh 7, ca 400, mg 1350)
desire water parameter kh 8, ca 440, mg 1350
for a start, first mix 200g calcium chloride with 2L of DI water, 200g mg chloride with 2L of DI water, 200g sodium bicarbonate with 4L of DI water
sodium bicarbonate is less soluble
dose 250ml a day for ca & mg, 500ml a day for kh(total 1000ml a day to double as water topup)
hourly will be 31ml & 62ml(divide by 8 not 24)
measure your water parameter at day 4
case 1: same or lower reading, eg ca 400, add 50g to the orginal mix
case 2: slight increase, eg ca 420, do nothing, measure again 4 days later
case 3: desire or more than level, eg 450, add 50ml of water to the orginal mix
day 8, measure your water parameter before second mix
case 1: same reading, eg ca 400, 400g calcium chloride with 2L of DI water(initial was 200g, 4 days later added another 50g, ie 300g to 2L but still no increase)
case 2: slight increase, eg ca 420, 300g calcium chloride with 2L of DI water(initial was 200g, 4 days later added another 50g, ie 300g to 2L)
case 3: desire or more than level, eg 450, 200g calcium chloride with 2L of DI water
some prefer to increase the dosage volume, while others prefer to increase the concentration
prefer the latter cos i double my dosing as water topup
if you are inexperience, please counter check your parameter reading