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Everything posted by dnsfpl

  1. wanted to but end up never cos i dont like vortech constant lower speed night mode if reef crest lower speed, i will enable night mode
  2. first pic look like mystery wrasse pic in his tank look nicer - yellow, green, purple, dark blue combo
  3. wonder how he kept his tank free of coral line
  4. water change is like cleaning your room you can clean once a week, once a month or even once a year some people have sensitive nose, so no choice have to clean more often like human, some fish are more sensitive to water i will not play the limit and risk my livestock its not easy to fix once problem arise good husbandry will make your reefing hobby more enjoyable
  5. depends on luck, my first pair is always extremely territorial
  6. why not get calcium chloride instead? but be mindful of KH swing
  7. a slight differences will make a huge differences in price thats the beauty of marine fish
  8. with your knowledge and experience, plus the peaceful tank mate, all you need is a bit of luck haha
  9. helfrichi!!! 1 of my wish list but dont think it will do well in my tank my mystery wrasse being the most docile fish lol
  10. assuming you have no experience in breeding this is a very good start liao nothing more impt than exam holiday have more than enough time for 2nd attempt cheers
  11. some factors you might want to consider 1) unless you intend to dilute the solution, accuracy is extremely impt, 5ml vs 7ml per dose makes hell lot of difference 2) alcohol generally evaporate faster cheers
  12. bro my last lfs visit was late may 1 year chiong lfs less than 3 times now haha
  13. soak it with tank water for a few mins before feeding
  14. i kept my froggy in refugium, fed him fw ghost shrimp 2 times a week, 2-3 shrimp per feeding shrimp is a lot easier to catch than fish with proper fw tank with filteration, $1 pack can last a month
  15. our public aquarium should buy and showcase this 1 of the rarest dwarf angelfish
  16. might have "hawaii interruptus" in the near future, thanks to paka
  17. common zoa, gsp, xenia, mushroom note that softie spread like wildfire make sure you get something you like i recommend nicer zoa, lumi gsp, pulsing xenia, uncommon shroom(eg metalic color), yuma or even rics its easy to buy them, takes effort to grow them, but a hell to remove them
  18. i always siphon my purple true octo cos it sting my sps but it always come back stronger and bigger
  19. very beautiful...but look more like centropyge interruptus
  20. i always believe in feeding them the "worst" best if you start with the "best" best, and one day they refuse to eat...gg ocean nutrition > Henry's reefgourmet > NLS > etc etc etc
  21. any idea how he kept ich under control? QT? copper? it will be more impressive if those AT are in a reef tank
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