Latest update and revised prices in blue.
3. Iwaki MX 70 - 2 1/2 Years - 190 dollars - reserved
12. 2 X 150 W MH light with 2 blue PL (one PL not working) - 120 dollars
13. Tank & Sump 4 x 2 x 2 Sump 3.5 x 2 X 1.5 - 70 dollars
(with iron stand but stand need to be repainted if its used).
15. Zeovit Reactor for PR - 70 Dollars
18. Additives
PUR-II (Water Recharge) New - 6 dollars
PUR Kalkwasser - 25 % used - 5 Dollars
Aqua Pharm Instant Mud - 5% used - 8 Dollars
Mini Labor KH test kit - Used few times - 10 dollars
Seachem Reef Complete - 50 % used - 4 dollars
Zeo Start - 25 % used - 15 dollars
PH 7 Buffer Solution - 40 % used - 6 dollars
Reefez Calcium Plus - 10 % used - 9 dollars
Rowa Phos - 80% used - 14 Dollars